Thursday, March 03, 2005

So tantalizing, exhilarating, & aromatic you'll pee your pants

The above is written by Stephenie as her version of those transcendental descriptions that come with tea these days. I appreciated it and thought I'd share.
Today in chapel, we were rather abruptly challenged by the campus pastor in the amount of time spent thinking about and talking about today's celebrities and heroes as opposed to the modern (and not so modern) saints in our lives and world. Like, we should spend more time encouraging our peers with something that C. S. Lewis wrote that changed us than we spend talking about the newest Usher music video or Kobe's antics in the Lakers game the night before. I can definitely see where he's coming from, because much of what is truly important to a person is shown by the proportion of time spent on given issues or subjects. The only reason, at least that I can think of right now, that I am resistant to the idea is that it was kind of presented in an aggressive manner. Unless there are other reasons to disagree. What say you all? I didn't even have to work out to be somewhat philosophical tonight.... :)
I want to go to Canada now, because apparently I have more in common with at least one Canadian than I do with pretty much all Americans. Plus, I just like seeing new places, and Canada is a new frontier, to me.
Exciting news! I have a Xanga site now too, so you can get double the Bethany, double the fun! The address is:
The only really groovy thing about Xangas is you can get yours to play music, and set up your format more cool-like, and you can personalize comments with pictures, and there's the now playing/reading/watching feature, and maybe that's it. But blogspot does let anonymous people post comments. Wahooo...
Current desktop image: Twista (let me be your manager....)
Biggest desire at this moment: triscuits with government cheese


tubapotamus said...

So, was the sermon about role models? I personally find it much more inspiring or just plain interesting when I know the person or they are somehow in my little world. Example: Bill Gates donates one billion dollars to a church. Thats wonderful. However I dont personally know him. I have no idea what his intentions are. They could very well be pure, but why would I want to risk looking up to or "putting faith in" someone that you have no idea what they are like inside. Now, I know we all dont know every little thing about our friends, nieghbors, and family, but I personally spend alot of time getting to know them and where their heart is before I react based on thier actions alone. This is why I have a hard time having positive role models. I feel that the only person who we should look to for insperation and to be an example is Jesus Christ. I hope that doesnt sound corny, but its just the way I feel.

Anonymous said...

Whelp if you wanna have a listen to some Good Charlotte or anything else let me know, I have this disturbing tendency to be able to find good music in short order by a random search based on common terms in concise phrases in a web browser at a certain site. Plus the fact that I'm hoping to have a web radio going in short order (when I get the time) so that all the peeps I know can have a listen to some of the good tunes I've got.

Stephenie said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with reveling in pop culture. Is the OC trite and superficial? Well, yeah, but so is...getting dressed up for church. Uhhh, I don't really know where I'm going with this, I just thought it was high time I left a comment. So my thesis/conclusion: Generally some things are labled "trite/shallow" and others "important/deep" and I think the classification system is more arbitrary than not.

Do I come across as thoughtful here? Because only if I do should this comment be read. If not, please disregard--this message will self destruct in 10 seconds. (I'd stand back if I were you.)

honeyhair said...

You know, on further thinking about this, it's not terribly Reformed to divide things up into categories of trite vs deep and meaningful. Shouldn't all areas of life reflect the weight of importance that they carry just because this is God's world, and everything matters? Just a thought, I'm not sure what I think about it yet...

Anonymous said...

I suppose I shouldn't even try to get involved in the movie industry since it's so trite anyway. After all, since nobody ever talks about movies or discusses them, it's rather pointless for someone to attempt to work to redeem that square inch. But I think I take a bit of a different view that Pastor Badjie, I see the discussion of pop culture and television stuff as a symptom of a shortened attention span rather than trite. And I'm eating mac and cheese (the fake kind) so I'm probably gonna be sick pretty soon. Yeah, and because I'm a boring nerdo that likes staying in on Friday nights and working on essays.


p.s. Little John, you owe me a semester of music theory!