Friday, March 25, 2005

How hast thou offended?

Today is Good Friday. I'm guessing all of my readers know this fact. I confess, Passion Week is my favorite time of the year. Seriously. Not only is it the whole aim of the life of Christ and our Christian faith, but compared with Christmas, Easter is somewhat less secularly commercialized, and Maundy Thursday/Good Friday aren't at all. Never does Communion mean more to me than during Passion Week, and, though I realize this should be an everyday thing, I take special time to reflect on the life, work, and death of Christ, as well as the depth of my own sin.
All this being said, it's been kind of a nasty Passion Week for me. Not only has coming to realize the depth of my sin led me to some conclusions I would rather not have realized, but I've had so much to do that I've had to short my meditation time. I'm also to blame because I keep distracting myself with March Madness (Arizona's so going to beat Illinois). We had a great service for Good Friday today at school, but I had a solo in it, so instead of focusing on the meaning of what we were doing, I felt like I spent the whole time being nervous. So, I'm feeling somewhat self-thwarted in my efforts to observe the solemnity and promise of Christ's last week before death.
However, thank God the story doesn't end with me and my failings! Sunday is Easter, THE most important day of the year. I hope that you will join me in not only remembering Christ's pain and death for our neglect of God's grace, but also His glorious resurrection that promises that those who love Him will live with Him forever.
I'll finish this later, I'm going to go watch The Passion of the Christ at Ethan's. I haven't seen it yet.


Anonymous said...

Can I hear an AMEN??? Its strange how much more thinking about my faith I've done this week (and how many times I've knowingly fallen short, no knowing how many times I did it without realizing) I'm VERY glad God forgives us. And "Jesus" in the Passions used amen a lot, which I found interesting because we'd just talked the other day in Acts/Rev about how amen really means "let it be so". I was impressed that all the places he used it were ones that made sense with that interpretation. Anywho, it (was) Friday and Sunday's coming (anyone else have any experience with TEC [Teens Encounter Christ]?).

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