Monday, June 20, 2005

Bring it on, Old Man Winter

Life changes I am starting this week:
- daily and focused devotions, in which I will not just read the Bible, then put it down and forget it, but write down what I have learned and do my best to remember and apply it for the rest of the day.
- regular muscle building and cardiovascular exercise. Even when I'm standing and walking for 6-8 hours a day at work, I haven't managed to harden my physique at all. So it looks like I'm going to have to work at it. Dang.
- discipline in what I am eating. Turns out, during the summer I eat a whole lot of crap. So that trend needs to slow way down.
- living cleaner. I want to stop living like a slob, with a consistently messy room, etc. If I was in school, this would also include keeping my school stuff neat and orderly, but that will have to wait until I get school stuff again.
- improving my image. I admit, I will start wearing makeup a bit more often. I'm sorry if this disappoints, and it's not like I will instantly become Barbie. I don't have the features to become Barbie anyways. But, yeah, I'm going to start with eyeliner and mascara. I may also be trying more stuff with my hair. Lookout, femininity, here I come!
- living genuinely. I want to be a lot more real. I usually take the easy way out with people, pretending to be seriously concerned with the ins and outs of their lives, but as soon as I walk away, it's all forgotten. I want to be genuinely interested in and concerned with people, even people who come through my lane and have had a rough day, or are having trouble finding something in the infant's department at work. This could entail a lot of hard work, but it will ultimately make me a much better ambassador for Christ.
- eating breakfast. I will! I think this will help me out in most of the above changes. In fact, I'm going to go eat some right now.
- share the news about Tri-Danielson/The Danielson Family. Steph, and anyone else, see if you can find some of their music. It affords hours of entertainment.
So, I guess, if people want, they can leave what kind of changes they would like to make. Or they could be annoyed at this seeming self-righteousness, which was not my aim at all. This is more of an attempt to garner some accountability from those who read this. I'm doing a no-no and posting this on both blogspot and xanga, which I haven't done for a while, but I figure it's a big enough deal that most of you will forgive me some day.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I can't believe the news today

For starters, Joe, I'm sorry to hear you felt abandoned at Target. I worked last night, but on sales floor. I don't always do cashier. And I was, in fact, working in the little girls and infants section, so I doubt you would have been prowling around there enough to find me. Tonight I should be doing cashier, so if you would like to buy something else, you may certainly come through my lane.
For secondsies, I was just suddenly struck by a desire to do something really and ultimately important. It's far to easy for even budding-activist me to get caught up in the hedonistic, consumer-driven society of the United States that we all love and swear by and forget about suffering that is happening not only across the world, but in our own cities by way of abuse, poverty, injustice, and any number of other factors. Yep, fire away, I'm starting to sound much less Republican than many would have me sound. Oh well.
For thirdsies, I really like the Black Eyed Peas. Like, a lot a lot. Their new CD = just as good as their last one. I very much recommend it, and it was $10 at Target last week. That has probably changed since. AND, I really kind of want to buy the new Backstreet Boys CD. Laugh if you wish, but I was impressed with "Incomplete", so I'm curious as to how the rest of it is.
There's no such thing as fourthsies.
Current desktop image: Audrey Hepburn smoking something. I don't really like her very much. *burned at stake*
Biggest desire at this moment: to avoid being burned alive while tied to a stout wooden pole for disliking Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Give me tools, give me fire. Give me that which I desire...

Hee hee, my sister and a friend and I just found a box in the back o' the 'Bishi carrying the remnants of "the goods" of the Dark Ferret Society, Arizona Chapter. Good memories. My nomme de plume (lit. "pen name", so it was actually more of a pseudonym) was Walla Walla 61, and we would steal out under the cover of darkness and festoon our friends' front yards and, once, bedrooms with random crap. Sort of like TPing, but oh so much more than TPing. In fact, I only remember using TP once out of the many times. Our arch-nemeses were the Narcoleptic Turtles, who copied our idea but had better funding and supplies, so their raids on us always trumped ours on them. I wish I was still as cool as I used to be....
Current desktop image: same, so I wish it was......chenille. Like, actual chenille, not just a picture. Then I would take a nap on it.
Biggest desire at this moment: I discovered last night that there is nothing in the world quite like cold, three-day-old pasta. I want some more.

Friday, June 03, 2005


My roommate is spending the summer on Boston. I think she'll have a party, even with three young kids to take care of. It sounds better than a lot of midwestern jobs I've heard of. Anna D. and I are sitting here and laughing about how people in the midwest work in factories. Not to be racist or elitist, but I totally thought factories were for illegals and the elderly. I guess factories in the MW are different. Hahahaha, I'm glad I don't have to work in one anyway, though. Give me the good ol' Tar-get any day. Although I do wish that more of my lovies would visit me while I'm on duty.
I really need to take a shower. I'm housesitting again this weekend and I really dislike using other people's bathrooms for anything. So I come home to shower. Except I haven't yet. Gross.
Current Desktop Image: Deborah's is now Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, and I do applaud her choice. I would marry Mr. Darcy any day. And I mean ANY.
Biggest desire at this moment: To already be done with work. But no. Not a chance.