Saturday, February 25, 2006

Crimson and Clover

Tonight, after an international meal featuring peanut butter soup by Katy, Sicilian Lent Bread by me, hoo-moose by Katy again, and German chocolate cake by Reid, watching Dave Chapelle and learning all about black people ("Is pimping easy?" "Hell yeah..."), we played MASH to find me a husband and a life. Yes, MASH. We are in junior high again. It was between my secret crush, Chad Nibbelink, Marcel Visser, Reid LePage, and Elliot De Wit. It ended up being me and Marcel in an apartment with a Saab, but I deemed the game null because we ended up with zero children. I can't be perpetually barefoot and pregnant if I'm not going to have any kids. No good.
In other news, I woke up at 9:15 this morning to pop the heads off of grubs looking for salivary glands to stain and squash in order to find giant chromosomes. If this sounds gross to you, you're right. I just threw up on my keyboard writing about it.
In other other news, L'Abri encouraged me, as it did Ross, Reid, and Jeff, to make a better effort at embracing popular culture in order to have a better platform from which to open dialogue with postmodern people in our popular culture. God is already there, we need to recognize Him and show Him to others who already understand the context, but did not previously recognize God as being the underlying power. That all sounded pretty amorphous. Maybe this is why I don't post very often.

Monday, February 06, 2006

In an octopus's garden...

The best things ever about the past week-ish:
- Sarah has agreed to let me use her car, so I don't have to bike across town on icy roads with flesh-freezing winds beating me in the face. Oh Sarah, you sweetie poophead!
- Matt Kunnari has an album of The Streets. I like The Streets.
- I got an overtones solo for the Concert Choir tour. I am so hot.
- Despite my best efforts, I actually have some talent in the realm of pool, as in billiards, but I feel dumb calling it billiards.
- Elliot De Wit and pinatas.
- In lab this past Wednesday, I loved teaching. And the Phylum Cnidaria.
- I've started loving Coldplay.
- Andrew some-Dutch-last-name played a bass guitar routine done by the bassist from Metallica, and while my knowledge of Metallica is still rudimentary, the routine was pretty awesome. The judging for the talent show was not one of the best things ever about the past week-ish.
- A homeless guy assured me that I would be a great teacher some day as I poured him a glass of milk.
- Sarah called Katy and I "poopheads" for making up crap about Boston. It's still funny.
- I made bread by hand, from scratch, for the first time, and reaffirmed my desire to be domestic someday. Screw the Women's Lib Movement. I want to be perpetually barefoot and pregnant.