Friday, March 25, 2005

Part Deux

Well, I guess it is technically tomorrow, but it's a continuation of the previous blog. Um, lesseee... The Passion is an amazing movie. I wept and trembled and came away with a headache, and I'm really glad I saw it. That's about all I've got, there.
I'm really happy that Duke lost tonight. I really REALLY dislike that team, and Coach K is getting lower and lower in my esteem. My line on the AZ-IL game tomorrow: AZ wins 86-79, and Salim Stoudamire finally gets like 36 points while Channing Frye deals in another 25. Dee Brown's going to foul out and Luther Head will be hobbled by his hamstring. And I will dance with joy.
I learned not to lounge around in underwear in my room with the blinds open today. It was the middle of the day and it was lighter outside than in, so I figured it was ok. But I look over from Mystery Men and there's this guy standing right in front of our window. I don't know if he saw anything, and I think he had a decently legitimate reason for being there (grounds crew or something), but I'll tell you there was a scramble on my side of the window. AWKWARD.
I wish all of you a blessed finish to the Passion Week. I hope you can share it with people you love and who build you up.
Current Desktop Image: Salim sinking the game winning shot Thursday night
Biggest desire at this moment: to skip to next weekend and watch Arizona kick Louisville's butt in the Final Four


Anonymous said...

Makes me wish I was on the grounds crew.... ERM....
Uh yeah, Passions really is a good movie, I wasn't sure what to think going into it since I'd heard both good and bad, but I really enjoyed it, and watching it in a small group setting rather than the theatre definitely helped. Brownies WILL be there Tuesday. ;)

honeyhair said...


tubapotamus said...

See, thats why I DO lounge around in my underwear. To punish those to try and get a glimpse of skin. That and, I just dont care, but you being a girl, I understand your modesty. I think you should buy those stained glass window clings that make your window look like it was stolen from Notre Dame. You dont have to give up your privacy for light, and you feel slightly higher class.