Friday, April 08, 2005

Enough already

Ok, I'm tired of this picking at each other in comments. So, tonight, since I'm tired, headachey, and coldish, I'm going to let Sarah write my post for me. Here's an email she sent me last night, from the library, while I was cramming for my Genetics test:

Hey Bethie,
We were supposed to eat at 8:00, right? So, I went to the thing, and there was no bethie and no food. Eeeeeeee! So now I get to write you an e-mail to while away the half hour till I can eat....Are you feeling better, lovey? I talked to Katy Dekens and she told me that she is looking forward to living with us, cause we can stay home and do CRAFTS all day! And she also told me she liked my flip-flops....Heidi is in the library and she showed me how to do msn illegally in the LRC. So I talked to Devin about my it-cats, and how much fun it would be to be a hippity-hop dancer. Only he wants to learn ballroom dancing. Plus, Heidi was cackling really loud. And your Alex was all grumbl-y cause he was trying to write some research paper. Tee hee! I felt so naughty. What other news can I invent? Oh! I just saw Hot Trevor! He's doing his Revelations homework. Which reminds me, I forgot to give him his mt. dew. And than I gave it to Lisa De Vries after choir. Well, it's only 8:17. I guess I could do some more homework. Or look at E-BAY! Yay!~Sarah Alice

I like my roommate. She's funny.
Current Desktop Image: flashing New Found Glory buddy icons, tiled over and over again. It's like epilepsy in a can, kinda. No wonder my head feels funny....
Biggest desire at this moment: clear sinuses, and a nap. Or maybe a great big peanut butter chocolate ice cream cone.


tubapotamus said...

YOUR Alex, eh? ha ha ha ha.

honeyhair said...

crap, I forgot to edit that line with the remark that he is most certainly NOT my Alex. That's Sarah's personal funny, which really isn't, but I haven't been able to convince her otherwise...

Anonymous said...

in johns dream, alex would have been alexis.....very hot.

Anonymous said...

Poor gal, hope you get to feeling better soon. And wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone had an Alex?

Anonymous said...

hee hee! I think it's funny that out of all the stupid stuff in that e-mail, the only thing anyone picked up on was Alex!!

My personal favorite is Hot Trevor. Grrrourrr!! :)
