Friday, January 21, 2005

with marshmallows, please.....

Wow, it's been a while, eh? So, let's see, what have all y'all missed. (All y'all being a relative term, of course, because I know only about two people see this site. But anyways.... It's freezing rain and windy outside right now, a bad combination, I'm told. A bunch of us were supposed to go down to Le Mars to do some volunteering tonight, but since being safe and warm is better than being in a ditch, we decided it would be best to stay here. So my roommate Sarah and I watched Troy together. What a wonderful display of manflesh.........
In other news, let's see........ Ooh! I started voice lessons for the first time ever on Wednesday, and I already have 4 songs to learn and so far no opportunity to practice with my accompanist. So, I might have to find out just how far I can stretch my instructor's mercy, on the first day. This woman is a bit on the scary side. But she's not quite to the crone-point, so hopefully I'm good.
Sorry, this post is pretty bad, forgive me for my lack of inspiration tonight. I blame Mike Montgomery for going to the NBA, and the new moon.

1 comment:

Stephenie said...

Haha, "manflesh"...