Tuesday, January 31, 2006

cold hard b****es

Kathlyn Joy just had a moment of genius, and expressed this sentiment:
"More people should like fewer people."
I agree, Katy. There are lots of times when I don't like people, and I think things would be more realistic and less sugar-coated if we all admitted that we have trouble liking lots of people. So do we need to bother? I put to you that we do not. Take THAT Education department.

I often make "what the HECK?" faces at the students in the fifth grade classroom where I'm student teaching. So far they've handled it pretty well, but I'm afraid I might hurt one of them some day. I'm not sure that changes anything, though.

I want to go on a road trip to Vermillion, SD right now. But maybe I'd settle for curly fries from Hardees.


Anonymous said...

do you like me?

Stephenie said...

I wish I could be in your 5th grade classroom.

David said...

You have a marvelluos "what the HECK?" face, those youngsters should feel inspired by it.

Donald said...

I get it confused with your "I'm bored" face though...actually, I get everything confused with your "I'm bored" face. :)

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