Friday, January 13, 2006

This is the sound of settling

Back in classes!
Since I've got little else to say, I'll give you the run down of classes, everyone's favorite, I know:
Historiography - This class is going to kick my butt. Keeping up with reading will be a miracle in itself, but I already feel intellectually destitute trying to keep up with what Krygsman is saying, and it's only been two classes. Plus I have to read City of God by St. Augustine and write a 4 page report by the 26th, and I don't own the book yet. Rock on.
Applied Ed Psych - This class shows promise, especially since I enjoyed my first ed psych class so much, but we haven't really done too much yet. Today we watched a movie about 13 year olds having sex, so maybe that's a sampling of good things to come!
Gen 300 - This class, I've already decided, would be a lot better if there weren't 117 other people in the class. The issues that come up are going to be important and controversial, but when 5/6ths of the class is comatose, reviving only long enough to think less of those of us who speak up, it's more obnoxious than provocative.
Medieval History - I have high hopes for this class. There's a high percentage of underclassmen, so it's not so transcendentally academic as some history courses can become. And we get to watch movies like Braveheart and Monty Python and the Holy Grail during class.
Education 267 - This class has some long, drawn-out, jargon-filled name that I don't remember, but it's basically about high school and curriculum design. Despite initial reservations, I think it might actually turn out being ok. Today we talked some about the need to turn the entire educational system upside down. I can roll with that.
Teaching Science: Methods - I am more excited about this class than I've been about any class ever! It's my first night class, which set off alarm bells at first, but after going the first time, I'm so excited to teach. The guy who's teaching is so realistic and practical, funny, and original. If it sounds like I'm in love with him, it's because I am a little. Too bad he's married with three children, eh?
Concert Choir - We are going to kick some major a** this semester. We have about 7 gigs scheduled all over NW Iowa and Omaha, plus we're touring down in New Mexico, SoCal, Colorado, and, YES, the AZ. I sort of get to go home for break, even though we're on tour! I'm excited to show off my corner of the country to my friends who have never been. Plus, we're singing some of the most amazing music I've ever experienced. Hot.
Student Teaching-60 hours - Hopefully this happens. As evidenced above, I don't have a lot of space in my schedule. Plus I don't have a vehicle, so I'm stuck with working at a school that's within walking/biking/bobsledding distance. Here's hoping! If it doesn't, I'll use my womanly wiles to persuade Dr. Sewell into letting me take History of Calvinism.
Question for this post: Can you dance, like actually dance? I sure can't, and after just watching Save the Last Dance, I really wish I could. And that I had a black boyfriend, because that could be hot.


Jeffy said...

mmm... bobsledding distance if only there was a hill worth bobsledding in iowa...

nokomis said...

bethie, i'm not gonna lie, i skipped over all your class descriptions to the end. and yes, i wish i could dance AND had a black boyfriend... maybe i'll just take a sharpie to matt.
is that bad?

Anonymous said...

...and you get to meet all the Slegers relatives in SoCal! Hurray!