Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm at a place called vertigo

It turns out I'm the most pathetic weakling on earth. I have to bike across town to do my sixty hours of student teaching at the Christian elementary school, and it just about kills me every time I go. I end up getting off the bike and walking about half the time. Yesterday, it was gusting at 50 miles an hour into my face while I was trying to bike up a hill, and Mrs. Zylstra (wife of Prez Z) almost hit me with her blue PT Cruiser. Then I wiped out on a frozen puddle. I like the work at the school, but getting there and back is pretty much hell. What I wouldn't give for a bike with a few more gears. More than one, at least.
Last Saturday I had the opportunity to meat Ephron, one of the guys who goes here from the Caribbean, because I was walking back from the grocery store with my bags and he saw me and offered to help. It was the best part of my day.
Question - which are more frickin' awesome: ninjas or pirates? I think the answer is pretty obvious, but I'm interested to hear if anyone else has an opinion.


Quackbert said...

Intriguing question. I would have to say that it is difficult to have one or the other. Instead I propose either ninja pirates (ninjas who have big ships and battle other ships and have pirate hookers and try to beat this family who are trapped on this island but end up loosing because of cleverly hid holes with tigers in them), or pirate ninjas (pirates that try to stealthily sneak up on people but have trouble because of their parrots and big boots).

Jeffy said...

just pirates ninja's are wusses

Kathlyn D said...

ninjas. definitely. and AT LEAST YOU HAVE A DAMN BIKE!!!

IT Houston said...

Pirates lead much more interesting and fulfilling lives . I vote for pirates. Although ninjas have it pretty good with the whole im invisible and can run on top of trees thing goin on.