Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hit 'em hard, let 'em know who's who

You know what I love?
Good college football. Despite the fact that I live with a bunch of sports haters, I will step out and say that I do love some sports. Namely college football and college basketball, because I say that the professional varieties of these two fine recreational activities are basically separate sports because they're so corporate.
That being said, you know what else I love?
That the University of Arizona, which I will admit has an abysmal record on the season (I think we've won......three games?) is absolutely smearing UCLA, which has a perfect record to date. It makes me miss the days of season tickets to games with my mom, sitting up in the nosebleeds and fighting off 4 inch long grasshoppers and moths just to get a chance to shake my keys at every kickoff and cheer with every first down.
I'm sure most of my reading audience hates me right now, since I've dedicated an entire post to talking about my love of sports, but rest assured, I'll return to my typical sarcasm soon enough. Kisses all!
Current Desktop Image: A Microsoft Paint picture my sister drew me to show her rebellion and disgust at having to analyze her own urine for an introductory Biology class.
Biggest desire at this moment: To be at Arizona Stadium, surrounded by mutant insects, screaming my guts out.


Andrea said...

I liked your song at NC/DC...I love Aretha Franklin. But did she originally sing it or was it someone else?

nokomis said...

oh rebellion, you whore. long live it.

Donald said...

She's no whore...

Donald said...

whores get paid

Jihad Hernandez said...

jigga-wah, someday I will be black. And then you'll be sorry, and grow pasty in envy.

Long live Los Del Dutchos!

Jihad Hernandez said...

speaking of aforemeantioned ethnic group, I saw I think the first episode of the Boondocks on adult swim last night. Oh man, I laughed out loud with my Minnesota roommate.

"I think it's okay to say the N-word, as long as they say it."

"were you having that dream where you cause the white people to riot again?"
"I was telling them the truth"
"How many times have I told you white people can't handle the truth. you gotta lie to them. In fact, I'm gonna go find a white man and lie to him right now."

Anyway, life it up in America. I'm sad I couldn't see you at NC/DC. But I'm exited about spring break, wherever I will be.