Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Better grab an umbrella, I make it rain...

Today's post is brought to you by Fat Joe and Lil' Wayne. And the letter M.

No West Nile. Bummer, eh?

My mom and I were talking last night about the immigration bill that was just shot down. She is more inclined to be skeptical about it than I am, since I am more inclined to be 'liberal' than she is, but even so, we agreed that whoever rose up en masse to defeat this bill, it wasn't people from Tucson. In fact, according to our Sunday newspaper (I've taken to loving the newspaper, by the way), an online group called Grassfire.org is claiming that they are responsible for shooting the bill down, flooding the offices of members of Congress with images of "the scarlet letter of amnesty". Guess where they're based. Oh, that's right. Small-town Iowa.

I really hate that people on both sides of the political spectrum treat this as a black and white issue - conservatives hate the illegals and liberals love them. What those of us in Southern Arizona are able to understand, and I believe John McCain saw this too, is that what is being argued back and forth are people's lives. Small town Iowanians don't read in the paper every week about dozens of people dying in the desert because they were willing to give everything up for a chance to have a better life. I am not calling for open borders, but I am asking that the American people forget their petty political squabbles and have a heart.

What do we do with illegal immigrants? I'm not sure, but I believe Christians, especially those of us so near the border, need to figure out how to love them.

In other news, the monsoon is supposed to start this weekend. Who's excited? This girl.

And I bought Chaco sandals last weekend. This pretty much forever destroys my hopes of becoming a badass with a heart of gold, but now maybe I can be a hippie without the marijuana.


Reido Bandito said...

Good call with the immigration bill. It is not black and white. "Small town Iowa" has the bias of not having lived with immigrants like we have. On the other side of things, we have the bias of having being surrounded by immigration to an extent we probably don't even know. I do know that it depressing to hear on the evening news that another family died of thirst and sun exposure trying to cross the border. While the bill did have its fair share of sketchiness, at least it did something. I heard that it won't be until 2009 for another bill to be ready to be proposed. What will happen between now and then.

I am really jealous about missing the monsoons for the first time since 1999. Good frickin times.

Andrea said...

I like Chacos, but don't own any. My sister has 3 pairs. Dang Montana girl.

Kunnari said...

immigration.... it's all about supply and demand... they wouldn't come if there weren't jobs, and there are so let them come. goodness weren't our great great whosenots allowed to come? it is so horrific that we (as in the U.S.) are stuck in this political mess. perhaps the process of getting a green card or visa or whatever it is should be made easier and then there wouldn't be sooo many illegals. maybe we should look to our canadain friends on this one eh? i mean with the way things are going around here people should be leaving anytime now in mad droves to our northern friend.

i too own chacos... they are the best and surpisingly at times you can be a bit of a badass with them. savor those times.