Friday, July 08, 2005

Did you find everything all right tonight?

Sigh, remember back when I used to post on this thing? Me too.....
Does anyone else have a work voice? Like, other than their normal voice? Because I sure do, and it's a little embarassing. Seriously, when I talk to people who come through my lane or who are walking the sales floor, my voice gets higher by nearly an entire octave. I think it's my subconscious trying to be more feminine in order to garner a higher number of Target Red Card applications from the men that come through. Or something. I dunno, actually.
Arizona is HOT. None of our four vehicles have A/C currently, go figure. So it's a summer of burned palms (steering wheel), branded thighs (seatbelts), and roasted butt (vinyl seats) for Bethany. And everyone else in the family. Sometimes I do actually drop it like it's hot.
Current Desktop Image: Harry Potter. Playing Quiddich. In his full Gryffindor regalia. He's getting to be quite a dish, he is.
Biggest desire at this moment: to have already been asleep for at least two hours. And a cool five grand.


Stephenie said...

Ha HA! My voice gets really mid-westerny and high too. It's as though I'm talking to children. I've tried my best to tone it down a little ever since I realized that there's no difference in voice change when I talk to adults and then when I talk to their three year old children. It's a little embarassing.

Hooray for Michigan!

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