Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is my Father's world

I'm taking advantage of the last few hours of Earth Day to write briefly regarding a recent frustration of mine.

I'm done with people, even jokingly, but mostly seriously, trying to debunk the whole climate change/global warming situation. An acquaintance on Facebook recently cited, as his status, a Fox news article about how the Arctic ice shelf was actually growing, rather than shrinking, and that these liberal bastards are just trying to freak out us hard-working Americans with their environmental scare tactics. Every time someone makes a wise-ass comment about how this recent cold weather in April is actually disproving global warming, I want to punch him/her in the scapula.

Dude. The environment. We affect it. The human race has been pumping bad things into the environment at never before seen levels for the last 200 years, without any consideration for the consequences. When we destroy and dirty our planet without thought and care, we directly violate God's command to us in the Garden of Eden, to care for the earth. And subdue it. But, contrary to popular belief, subdue does not mean suck dry.

And suppose all us quasi-liberal hippie types are wrong. The world isn't in serious trouble in the next 100 years. Praise God! BUT, how dare they. HOW DARE THEY act as if we are doing the world a disservice by asking that people be conscious and responsible in the way that they use resources and care for the world we've been given. HOW DARE THEY mock people whose main goal is that Americans, especially, consider that we are not the only people that have ever or will ever live on this planet. That what we do now has implications for the future. That it is not unnecessarily inconvenient, even, to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Can you tell this is semi-important to me? Maybe more than it should be. But I'm tired of it. Rightist reactions like that just keep pushing me left.


Time for a snack and bed.


Andrew said...

Perhaps this rightest comment will pull more than it pushes:

I may not necessarily be convinced of a human induced mega climate change, but I definitely agree with your fourth paragraph. The "green" movement is an honorable one regardless of the global warming issue. It holds us accountable for how we treat our planet, and after stepping away from politics, it's hard to argue against that.

Not a big Rush Limbaugh fan, huh?

tubapotamus said...

my response to this ended up being a whole post on my blog.

David Nilsen said...

I always knew you were a quasi-liberal hippy!

In all seriousness, though, I've come to the conclusion that global warming is actually part of a Decepticon plot to take over the Earth. Everyone knows the good energon deposits are at the poles, so it only makes sense to melt the ice caps!

Ok, in *actual* seriousness, I agree with you. I'm not quasi-liberal at all (I just prefer to sit back in my ivory tower and mock the silliness of our political system!), but I've definitely got a soft spot for the "green" movement. It is biblical, after all!