Friday, April 03, 2009

Miss Independent

Ahh, another Friday night.

Survived another week of the manic clown show that is my life at Roseland. We're four school days away from Spring Break, which is, I am almost positive, THE LATEST SPRING BREAK EVER. I'm ready to tear my eyes out, then grope around blindly until I find each of my students and tear theirs out, too. I can't blame them for being antsy. At the ripe old age of 24 1/2, while I'm teaching, I'm mentally concocting elaborate plans to sneak out and give myself a two week break instead of one. Most of them involve multiple costume changes in which I wear mustaches, absurdly out of place porkpie hats, costume jewelry, and floppy shoes, whilst attempting my best Flemish accent. All of this is ridiculous, of course, when trying to escape an all-black school in South Chicago. I'd have more luck trying to pass myself off as Kanye West.

So, Brian (my future brother-in-law) and I are extra pumped for our plans for tomorrow. It was his birthday on Thursday, so we're going out to Golden Corral (oh HELL yeah) for lunch, stuffing ourselves with as much buffet food as possible, then coming back home to veg for the rest of the day and watch the Final Four. Anyone else who wants to can feel free to join in.

Yesterday I co-chaired my first ever Science Fair, which, while satisfying and successful, made me perhaps the most tired I've ever been. I don't even think I did much that was really very difficult or demanding. But I woke up this morning with back spasms and a tender sciatic nerve, which made me feel like an overweight 55 year old man. Part of it was probably the mental trauma of trying to explain over and over and over that the theme of the fair was The Invention Convention, and that, for this reason, I was not going to display four different versions of a vinegar and baking soda volcano. Seriously. I tell the classes specifically that volcanoes are not inventions. Still had them turn them in. Along with two kids who turned on a mini light bulb with a battery, and one who demonstrated that adding salt to water makes an egg float. I told them I'd let them know the day I got word that they'd invented volcanoes, electricity, and buoyancy. My biting sarcasm is wasted on these types, however. Ah well.

I still haven't had any definite word on my future at Roseland, but based on complete hearsay, I may still have a job for next year. We shall see. It would be the decent and professional thing to do to let us all know before Spring Break, I say.

Speaking of professional, I actually kicked one of my kids in the butt today. He was NOT moving fast enough for my taste. And it was Freestyle Friday (translation: out of uniform Friday) which always makes me feel a bit feisty. I'm not above whipping a marker at a smart ass from time to time either. Maybe I'll retain my job just in time to get fired. I hope not. I'd better be more careful...

I'm hoping that this next week will finally bring Spring in its fullest expression, rather than tantalizing us with 60 degree temperatures, then snowing on us. Nothing lamer than a chilly Spring Break.

Time to find some foody leftovers. Chikin' TendRz, here I come!


Alissa said...

Hahah you make me laugh. You were supposed to come visit me over spring break! Love to you.

Joseph said...

Oooooh, a blog, how retro! And a school that wastes biting sarcasm... definitely not the place for me.

Jen said...

I really would like to see you do those costume changes, especially with a mustache lol

Reido Bandito said...

I mean this in only the most positive way: I hope you get fired for doing something amusing to me.

David N. said...

You're still my hero. Rah!

I hope you get to keep your job, so you can continue to be heroic-like (hmm...seeing as how heroic is an adjective, I probably could have left off the "-like" ...ah, well, too late now...)

tubapotamus said...

I miss your sharp wit, and I think you should TRY and get fired. (Don't have gross relationships with a student though, we might have to not be friends anymore.)

Andrew said...

OMG. Yummies, please.
And yes, we should hang out. I'll call you as soon as my new phone comes in, around Wednesday. The one I have now won't let me place calls.