Thursday, February 05, 2009

There's an icebox where my heart used to be

I think the cold is finally getting to me, after my fifth year in midwestern winters. I've taken to blowdrying my bed under my covers before I get in so it's toasty warm (and mildly damp, for some reason). Awesome? I've also started wearing leggings under everything. Dress pants. Jeans. Skirts. PJ pants. Dresses. Everything. I'm pretty pumped about the thought of 50 degree weather that's been promised for Saturday.

Also, I'm doing an animal of the day with my seventh grade while we study Kingdom Animalia. So far we've done the pangolin and the Venus Flower Basket. I look forward to many other animals too! Suggestions would be welcome!


Alissa said...

So, I had some time to kill and did some research for you. Here are weird things I found:
(1) Mimic Octopus - it mimics other sea creatures
(2)Reef Stonefish - killed people, known to gut sharks
(3) Tasmanian Devil

Then, if you just want to hear them younguns hoot and hollar, teach them about the Blue footed booby, yellow tit, jackass penguin, horney toad, Andean cock-of-the-rock, etc ...

Anyway, love ya. oh and I also find I wear leggings under everything! Even when I am in an indoor excersize class, hah.

Jen said...

do a jenn-a-bob, just kidding. I vote for a kiwi

Reido Bandito said...

its supposed to be 50 here too.....awesome

David N. said...

You are so my new hero. I'm working at a school right now, watching 4th - 8th graders for after school daycare. The 7th graders are by far the worst kids to deal with. I don't think I could handle teaching them every day. Sorry about the cold. :(

Stephenie said...

I think I need to get you an electric blanket for your half birthday.