Friday, March 31, 2006

Things I learned this week:
- there is such a word as co-opetition, a combination of the words competition and cooperation, and I don't think that it is actually possible. In fact, I kind of expect the word to implode from internal contradiction, eventually.
- I have a "gang-bangah butt", according to Sarah. No ghetto bootie for me. Nope. I'm straight up gang-bangah. Word to all my boyz.
- there is someone on campus with all three Nickel Creek albums on his/her iTunes, and I love him/her for it.
- I'm much worse at pool than I thought I was.
- I apparently have a high tolerance for very little sleep. As evidenced by my being up for no reason at 1:30 AM after getting about 4 hours of sleep a night all week.
- Katy and I are funny, funny kids. Because our ed psych brochure had pictures of Richard Gere and Jennifer Grey (the actress from Dirty Dancing and Ferris Buehler's Day Off) on the cover and a clip art picture of a cactus inside with the caption "Discipline Plan(t)". Probably we aren't funny at all, but it sure seemed like it at the time.
- I am once again in love with college basketball. Nothing like a #1 seed being upset by an #11 seed in the Elite Eight to get your heart pumping.
- Neo-Marxism is really different from the original Marxism.
- there is nothing so boring that a well-placed exclamation point cannot liven up. (!)
I think I'm rambling now. I must be tired. Night, munchkins!


Kathlyn D said...

yay! we are really funny! and co-opetition IS possible! (are you noticing my exclamation marks? if you were in my future english class and didn't notice them, i would probably thrash you with the discipline plant. probably.)

David said...

I'm trying to figure out how a co-opetition would work. Like, you help me to beat you and I help you to beat me? Then in the spirit of cooperation we share our points, and...

Yeah, I just can't see where the "competition" part comes in. I'm thinking only Chuck Norris and Christian Bale are actually capable of "co-ompeting" without causing the universe to explode.

So what's the difference between Marxism and Neo-Marxism?

Jeffy said...

Why do they call them Seeds?

Jeffy said...

In reference to the basketball standings. 1# seed. why seed?