Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm down like the economy - Lil Wayne

So, probably in not posting for a couple months, I've lost most of my readers. And there weren't toooooooo many of you to start. But it's ok.

School's going way better than anticipated, and I'm so thankful I could laugh and cry at the same time. There are mealworms growing up in my classroom, assuming they don't all die before they pupate and turn into beetles. I'm still disorganized and messy - a year of experience hasn't actually fixed that problem. I'm living alone in my house, I have a television on order, and only recently re-got the internet. I'm considering getting a dog, but I talk myself out of it every time. I have about ten pounds of apples in my kitchen I need to cook/eat, and about fifty more cherry tomatoes on my plant out back that I'm hoping won't freeze before they turn.

And that's what's on my mind right now. That, and that it's definitely fall. I really love this time of year. I like putting on sweaters again, and watching the leaves turn, and kicking through piles of them on the way to my car. I like that it's cold enough that I want to eat soup every night, because I really like making soup. And it's a great excuse to use my Crock Pot.

This is probably a boring post, and it's 9:30 and I'm considering going to bed. But such is my life lately! I think I love it. :)


Jen said...

I miss fall, this 105 here ugh... I'll have to color the dang leaves myself if they're not dry and breakable that is

Stephenie said...

I read this! And thank you for describing fall. It allows me to live vicariously through you.

And I want to visit you. But I wish you would get a cat instead.