Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lunatic Fringe

Is it bad that most days I'm pretty sure the only sane creature in my classroom is a snake? For real. In this past week I had one of my kids grab a girl by the neck (and her mom wanted to press charges), another student got himself stuck inside his locker, a girl slashed a boy with a broken test tube (by accident, but whatever), another joker started screaming for his mother when the (well-announced) fire alarm rang for a fire drill, and half my seventh grade science class exposed themselves to salmonella yesterday. I hope they are safe but it would serve some of them right to get sick.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving in Milwaukee. Not a middle schooler in sight. Excellent.


Kathlyn D said...

you ARE miss incredible. wow. I would cry every day if i were you. and fire drills SUCK. it seems like we are already teaming up to fight. wow. well. listen to carol king. maybe you will feel empowered.

r.c.f. said...

that "exposed themselves to...." line had my mind going far worse places than salmonella.

hang in there. keep a good head and always carry a light bulb.

Jen said...

wow bethany guess its never dull, though some of those instances seem pretty ridiculous for middle schoolers to be doing. God speed to you. oh and Paris probably is the most sane one, remember he's too cool to poo!

Jeffy said...

haha i broke your brain.
and sounds like your job is breaking your spirit.
I'd love to hear you say, "ouch my spirit..."
snakes are more scary than zombies. and this is me sad that i haven't seen you in ages..