Monday, January 29, 2007

Goodnight my someone...

Last week, I had the pleasure of walking into my apartment building and being greeted by the heavy aroma of pot. Even after living most of my life two hours from the Mexico border, I'd never had that happen before. Weird.

I'm teaching this week, for the first time. An American History unit on the decade before the American Civil War, and today started out pretty well. Sophomores are kind of bitches, though, so I'm hoping it continues to go well.

Yesterday I think I got asked on a date by a guy at church. I've talked to him once before and he's terrible at conversation. He's also shorter than I am and scruffy. So he's automatically not a major find. But being as generally bad as I am at turning people down, I think I left the door open to go with him to see the Dead Sea Scrolls while they're in Kansas City. Crap. How do I keep doing this?

Also, confession times with Bethany K:
Last night I watched THE event of Professional Wrestling: the Royal Rumble. It involves thirty professional wrestlers entering the ring one at a time every minute and doing ridiculous things in order to throw each other out of the ring until one man is left standing. It was the funniest fourty five minutes of my life. And I think I'm in love with John Cena.


Stephenie said...

If all else fails, can't you just take them paintballing to simulate the war?

Jihad Hernandez said...

I"m currently watching "Four Brothers" starring Benjamin Andre and Tyrese. I have a feeling it's a movie I'd be watching with you and Sleggie. Or maybe not. It is rather violent. But Tyrese is still rather pretty.

Quackbert said...

You haven't really had a good life unless you have watched professional wrestling. Since most of my childhood/adolescence/teenage years involved pro wrestling (somewhere on a scale from obsessive to "well, I'd rather watch this than MTV") now you know why I am leading such a fulfilling life.

Andrea said...

Maybe you should take some wrestling tips and apply them to your sophomores. Pretty sure one of my 6th graders is as bitchy as they are.

Sarah Alice said...

Haak-a-doodle-doo, Johnny scruffy?

Kathlyn D said...

what is this i hear? bethany haak with a bf??