Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What does it take to get a drink in this place

I'm wrapping stuff up around here before heading off on Choir Tour with the Dordt Concert Choir, which will hopefully be featuring my awesome overtones, if I can get over being so congested. I would complain about the two papers I have to write yet before going, but you guys don't care about those and I decided I'm just going to email them to the prof over break anyways, instead of killing myself trying to get them in now, so I won't complain about those. I could complain about how much of a mess our house is and that it needs to be cleaned before leaving, except I can't really complain when I am a major culprit for the mess. I could complain about not being able to sleep in EVER, but I like mornings, so I won't complain about that either.
One frustration I will voice, though, is my limited knowledge. I know that I strongly support social justice and ending poverty and all this stuff. But in Gen 300, when I try to vocalize these convictions, I don't have the knowledge of how government programs or private businesses really operate, so my ideas come across sounding transcendently idealistic. I guess I shouldn't complain about this, but should get to work building my knowledge.
We have very little food in the house, so it's been kind of funny figuring out what to make for dinner every night. Last night we had cheese pizza with green onions and spinach. I could have sliced a hot dog over it, or maybe some carrots, but I decided that was just too weird. So we ate our onion pizza plain. I wonder what tonight will bring...
Love and grace to all of you. For those of you I'm not seeing, have a wonderful week and a half. For those of you I'm going to see, I'm excited!


Kathlyn D said...

bye! i miss you already. what will i eat when you are gone?!?!

Anonymous said...

maybe you should accept that a lot of poverty is the result of peoples lack of motivation to do any work, and expect the government to wipe their butts for them.

mike kramer said...

just avoid speaking in gen 3-00
that might help you out. then you have more time to talk to your friends around you in class

Alissa said...

You are so BUSY! I miss you! I am in need of prayer as always. I am excited however because I have an internship in the Pregnancy Center here. WOW I am going to be busy

r.c.f. said...

yeah, everyone else in the world is worthless so we should give up on them and let them starve because it's their fault and we're just blessed to be better than them...

Andrea said...

Hope you're feeling better, B Haak. As for the overtones, you make me proud to be a woman.