Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New Year's Resolution

Usually I don't make resolutions, because I'm bad at keeping them. I realize it's a little late to make one now, but who cares? I've decided I'm going to, as frequently as I can, wear blaze orange. It's my new favorite color, thanks to a shirt my sister didn't want and a sweatshirt Brielle left here. If anyone has any hunting gear or crossing guard wear they don't want, give it to me and it will be worn proudly.
Question: Are you wearing pink today? You'd better be!


Jeffy said...

nope it's the subconcious denver Broncos fan in you... just wait a month and you'll be over orange

nokomis said...

benlando wants to have your baby.

btw, i wasn't wearing pink so you'd better come and beat me up.

Andrea said...

I enjoy the color orange, too...except I like to eat it.