Monday, May 02, 2005


Shoot. It's finals week, and I've forgotten how to be a good student. So instead I muddle around my room and avoid studying instead of focusing and concentrating what I've learned all semester. What an exemplary scholar of education I'm shaping up to be. Tomorrow it's political studies (no biggie, I hope) and ancient history (on Rome and Christianity, I should do pretty well). Wednesday is the killer, with Genetics (my only cumulative final, and the hardest subject anyways) followed by Human Anatomy and Physiology (on the reproductive system, urinary system, and embryonic development - what a winner!). Thursday I hope I can hang around menally long enough to get through my Educational Psychology (a solid hour of multiple choice) before heading out to Omaha and back home. "OooooOOOOOhh, freedom. Freedom's washin' over me, mah Lord..."
Since this question really essentially got ignored on the Xanga, I'll give it a try here, although the general responses on this one can be so sarcastic that I'm a bit shy. But anyways, are you fo' real? I'm working on it, but I'm far from totally fo' real. What say you?
Current desktop image: Bono's sunglasses, for sale on Ebay right now. Too bad I can't wear shades without looking rather stupid. I think the years of bad eyewear in my childhood did me in for the remainder of my life.
Biggest desire at this moment: that it would be Friday morning, and I was sleeping in, in my own bed, on my snowcone/penguin flannel sheets, with the sun filtering in through my blinds, and Foxy was sticking her wet nose in my ear to say hi


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling dearie. :P I think maybe its because you know the stuff well enough you don't need to study? You'll pull it off quite well I'm sure. I think menally is a good word, I'll 'ave to find a use for it somewheres someday.

Fo' real? Nah, I'm just a posa'/playa' that hates the game.

Stephenie said...

Sometimes I'm fo' real, but more often than not I imitate the fo' realness around me.