Friday, February 25, 2005


Sooo, I'm happy right now. First off, this week had the potential to be just about the worst ever, and it came off really well. In fact I think I really nailed my genetics test today, and it made me grin like an idiot at everyone I saw. If I'm not careful, people might get the impression I'm friendly...
Then, after that, I watched The Magnificent Seven, the finest Western of all time, while crocheting a scarf for a friend, BECAUSE I COULD!!! Wonderfuls! It makes me smile just to think of it.
Then, after that, I went to the Dordt Choral Concert, which was a bittersweet experience. Bitter because I really wished that I could have been up there (bloody Ed Psych...), but sweet because the concert was WONDERFUL, even though Kornelis got contacts and looks kind of funny. And the back of his head looks Real funny. I'm going to start with Germanic capitalization Now. But there was a men's Choral number that sang about the Old mink farm (aka Dordt), written by Kornelis, which made me laugh so Hard I cried. It made me really lonely for Chorale, and writing Poems for teacher evaluations, and giggling with Stephenie, and being really Crabby at whiny girls sitting behind Us. Sighhhhhhh........................ *melancholy setting in* Except I forgot I'm in a good Mood. So, I'm going to go eat Ice cream with Erin!
Current desktop image: a kitty telling me I have b.o., from my roommate....
Biggest desire at this moment: to have an operatic soprano vocal capacity. And celery with peanut butter.


tubapotamus said...

Im really happy that your week was better than expected. I went over the the Monroes tonight for a great home cooked meal, and we talked about all the different songs they want to do, and they played some Dordt choir stuff, and it made me really "choir-sick" for Dordt again. I hope your night goes swimmingly.

Anonymous said...

Yay for a good way, yay for ice cream with Rin, yay for, uh oh, deja vu's are scary. I hope this one that has a sense of foreboding is wrong. Anywho, back to the yayness, yay for being able to sing WITHOUT a choir. :) Have a good weekend friend.

Stephenie said...

Man, I wish I had opratic soprano vocal quality. But maybe not anymore because then there would be no one to yell at Micah when he says that Altos suck.
*sigh of annoyance*
Anyway, now I have this wad of cash sitting on my desk from working. Let's go spend it.