Saturday, December 24, 2005

Flash! Ooooohhh, he saved every one of us!

Heyo! Christmas break post! My sister and I decided that the proportionality of how lame a person goes up at the same rate as the frequency of his/her posts on his/her blog while on a break/vacation. Since that made no sense, maybe no one hates me yet! :) Either way, I am unlame, I guess.
I received my passport finally, although I had to beat up two mailmen and an old lady to get it. My picture is a thing of beauty, and I look forward to filling it with stamps from exotic locations like Managua, the Seychelles, and China Grove, TX. But now I don't have to worry about trouble in the airport, and there's this personal message from the US Secretary of State telling anyone who reads it that I am entitled to protection from any enemy while in a foreign country. It makes me want to find a US embassy and demand sanctuary.
Since I really don't know much about what's going to be happening on the trip, I won't post much about it at this point. I know that I leave Monday, there will be lots of rice and beans, and I may pick coffee. And I can't eat anything fresh because it might contain Malaria or Yellow Fever or Black Death or Jungle Boogie or something else hazardous. I'll fill you in when I get back!
Happy Christmas, everyone. I went on a rampage on my other blog, decrying the rape and pillaging of the Christmas celebration in the name of a materialist holiday, but I'll say no more of it here. I hope you enjoy the break, and friends, and sleep, and chance to remember that the birth of Christ happened in order that the death and resurrection of Christ might come about.
Ten thousand thank yous to Reid, who introduced me to the song detailed in the title. WHO SANG IT? If you know, make yourself heard! And in the meantime I won't be in the country. Everyone who will be at the wedding of the century, you have a good time. Everyone else, shame on us!

Monday, December 12, 2005


Ok, here's my second story, sorry it took so long, Jeff et. al.
The snow's a lot meltier and the roads are much clearer since it warmed up, but last week they were pretty slick yet, and I've got to cross one to get to class. So I did my usual prance across traffic to get to Renaissance and Reformation and hit a slick spot.
I fell on my side with unbridled indignity, bruising my hip. Then some punk-ass sophomore who drives to class pulled up to the stop at the street and began to turn right onto the street, where I was still struggling to stand. He has the gall to honk repeatedly at me, then give me the finger. I muttered things about his questionable parentage under my breath, then grabbed a chunk of ice and chucked it at his red Grand Am, and I think I dented it, but I ran off like a naughty little kid, so I don't know what he did after that. What a lousy piece of crap. At least I got his piece of crap American-made car.
I hope this story was worth the wait, all. Now my question of the day:
Is it true?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Two Stories

For the final Plant Morphology lab today, the prof had each of the three of us in the class prepare a food with algae in it, as a way of engaging the subject matter, I guess. So I got all set to make these pork-kelp roll things, rehydrating an entire package of kelp and buying two pounds of pork. So at about 1 last night I was up cutting up pork and spicing it before rolling it up in kelp strips. Turned out I used less than a half pound of pork and about a foot of kelp blade, when I rehydrated about 6 feet of the stuff. So now I have five feet of kelp at my disposal. But our story takes a tragic turn when I wake up this morning to go take a test at 8. My kelp wraps needed to cook for at least three hours in boiling water, so I put the heat on low and dropped them in a pot of water on the stove. When I came back four hours later, a strange smell seeping out into the yard under our front door gave me brief warning that all was not well. Opening the door removed all doubt. Apparently the water in the pot had boiled off long before my return and the things not only burned, but apparently caught on fire, because when I arrived they were already little charcoal lumps in the bottom of the pan. And I can't forget about it, because burnt kelp smells sort of like a crematorium, at least I'm guessing so. So our apartment smells like dead people and we can't air it out because all of the windows are frozen shut.
This post is already too long, so I'll save my second story for tomorrow. The question of the day is, what to do with five feet of spare kelp? The more creative the answer, the better of a friend you are!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Watch this please!
Leindert Van Beek played it in Chapel this morning. I was delighted.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Excuse me while I kiss the sky

Back from the WI! I had a great time, but nothing really happened, so I'm afraid I have little to report on the weekend. I got home and my house smelled of fish. It still does.
Lots to do this week. Today was supposed to be a solid homework day, but so far it's mostly a sit around and pretend to do homework day. I don't really know how I managed to pass high school with a 4.0. It's a mystery.
Someday I'm going to sit around all day and just color. With REALLY good colored pencils and complicated coloring books. None of this Precious Moments crap.
And finally, to boost my ratings and comment return, I'm going to scrap with the current desktop image and biggest desire and instead ask a question, so that people who read this can have something to reply to if nothing else strikes their fancy. Today's question: Why did Christian Bale stop dancing? He's done well for himself as the stoic and silent Batman/John Preston from Equilibrium type, but - WOW - that guy had moves. Remember Newsies? Swing Kids? Gold, solid gold.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Goblet of Fire!!!!

Yep, that's about it. I am mega-stoked. Scar in place, wand in hand, and lots of homework to do while waiting. Harry Potter forever!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Getting the s*** kicked out of me by love

A few nights ago there was a concert choir shindig down by the new firepit, and while parts of it were unusual, I very much enjoyed the little chat I got to have with Dr. K. We spoke of beer, grammar, coffee, and the Texas Two-step. It made my night, if not my week.
I did not pass on to the second round of NC/DC, a fact about which I harbor very little true regret, because it just took too much time and energy. I'm glad to have time again to do homework and take leisure without feeling guilty about letting down my school. Now all of the remaining contenders had better step it up and go the distance.
Tonight for coffee time I have made oatmeal brownies. I made them up as I was baking them, but I don't think they'll be as singularly odd as the "cookies"/papillion I made last time. THOSE were some weird stuff.
And now, my weekly quote from The OC:
"Do not EVER mess with Journey." - Ryan Atwood, the hottie with a short fuse and excellent music taste.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hit 'em hard, let 'em know who's who

You know what I love?
Good college football. Despite the fact that I live with a bunch of sports haters, I will step out and say that I do love some sports. Namely college football and college basketball, because I say that the professional varieties of these two fine recreational activities are basically separate sports because they're so corporate.
That being said, you know what else I love?
That the University of Arizona, which I will admit has an abysmal record on the season (I think we've won......three games?) is absolutely smearing UCLA, which has a perfect record to date. It makes me miss the days of season tickets to games with my mom, sitting up in the nosebleeds and fighting off 4 inch long grasshoppers and moths just to get a chance to shake my keys at every kickoff and cheer with every first down.
I'm sure most of my reading audience hates me right now, since I've dedicated an entire post to talking about my love of sports, but rest assured, I'll return to my typical sarcasm soon enough. Kisses all!
Current Desktop Image: A Microsoft Paint picture my sister drew me to show her rebellion and disgust at having to analyze her own urine for an introductory Biology class.
Biggest desire at this moment: To be at Arizona Stadium, surrounded by mutant insects, screaming my guts out.

Friday, October 28, 2005

I got soul but I'm not a soldier

Hooray, I'm updating! I'm taking advantage of my illusory break that is Friday afternoon to prattle on about unimportant things in my life since, hey, I don't have a 15 page paper due until Tuesday!
Yesterday I stood with Marcel, Craig, and the Wienbergs in front of the Campus Center and gave out free hugs. People around here don't go for hugs, it seems, because I only gave out 3. But I found out that, despite the hugs being free, they made $13 off of hug-tificates. I'm quitting school and becoming a professional hugger.
Tomorrow morning I'm leaving at 5:30 with my plant morphology prof and two classmates to drive to central Iowa to check out Woodman's Hollow. We're going to spend all day taking notes, drawing pictures, and collecting samples of mosses and liverworts. Dig it. I'm so sleeping in the car. If anyone wants a moss sample, let me know and I'll hook you up.
I have to get back to making agar plates in a bit. Sometimes I forget I'm a biology major, and then when I remember I laugh a lot because I think I'm an embarrassment to the department. Oh well.
Current Desktop Image: a bunny with a pancake on its head
Biggest desire at this moment: security. Not just a sense of it, but the real thing. It is good.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Throw up your rawkfist

At the behest of Sammy G., I am updating, and I'll try to be a bit more frequent. Sorry Sam.
Tonight we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving, which is a fabulous holiday, if for no other reason, because it meant we got three kinds of pie for dessert tonight. HOWEVER it is also a fabulous holiday because my lovely roommate is a Canadian, and she's awesome.
I am so excited for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to come out. Like, seriously, who wants to wait in line opening day with me????
I went running tonight and it was a fiasco, because apparently after eating a Thanksgiving meal you have to wait more than two and a half hours to avoid cramping, plus I'm still a little sick so my throat was all nasty and my ears hurt. Basically I cried all the way home.
This had better satisfy all 4 of you who read this for a day or so, because it's too late for me to think of anything more clever...
Current Desktop Image: Something my sister sent me, and it's basically an inside joke so none of you would appreciate it. Philistines.
Biggest Desire at this Moment: to redo this past Saturday night. If you want details, feel free to ask. I may or may not tell you.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Gimme three steps

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted, I guess. Hmmm, an update on my life as it has progressed since last y'all heard:
I am of legal drinking age. And I do it ALL THE TIME. Ask anyone!
I have become proficient at procurring catcalls from mysterious residents of North Hall. I must be sexier than I used to be.
I like Bright Eyes.
I am woefully behind in most of the reading for most of my classes. It's pretty frickin' awesome...
In lieu of gifts, most of the people I know gave me chocolate for my birthday. The thought it nice, but chocolate don't pay the bills.
I'm going to Kansas City for Tri State to visit friends, and it will be a wild party, no doubt. What happens in KC STAYS in KC.
I learned Farsee.
That's about it. Except that last one was a lie. Vaya con Dios, muchachas!
Current desktop image: definitely Billy Idol looking sexy
Biggest desire at this moment: front row seats at a Lynrd Skynrd concert. Not backstage, because they're kind of gross, but the music = sweetness

Sunday, September 11, 2005


New rule: Every grassy hill you see, you must roll down. That is all.
Current desktop image: the lead singer of The Streets (British rap group) singing over a pint
Biggest desire at this moment: cherry limeade

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What the......?!?

Where the hizzy did all of those ad things come from???? I thought I was all popular again when I came on the other day because I saw I had 7 comments for my last post. Then I found out they were all advertisements for really stupid things. Like, I didn't bother to find out what they were for.
Good story, Bethany.
Current Desktop Image: the lead singer of The Killers
Biggest Desire at this Moment: a 30 hour day. That's all

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Leonard Bernstein

So, I like school so far. Classes are actually promising to be interesting, and my social life may be more diverse and active than ever before. But it's still early in the game. Class schedule as follows, for those who might care:
9 AM - Plant Morphology with a short, funny Scottish American with a lisp. There are four (count 'em, FOUR) people in the class, and I am the only lady. Rock. On.
12 PM - US History with a short, funny German American with a squeaky laugh and a perpetual five o'clock shadow. I generally dislike American history because it is so paltry in the grand world scheme, but I think this should be entertaining, especially since he confessed he might openly make fun of people if they give wrong answers. Ohhhh, those poor elementary ed majors.
1 PM - Introduction to Exceptional Students, which is a fancy term for Special Ed 101. I think this will be extremely informative and interesting, although much less entertaining, unless I count laughing at the prof for her elementary teacher tendencies.
[still pending] Concert Choir, which is my only chance for melodic vocal edification this year. I'm hoping REAL hard that my audition was satisfactory today.
9:25 AM - Modern Middle East with a fairly Liberal Canadian. I'm sure I'll learn a lot in this class that I wish I didn't know. I'm excited. :)
11:40 AM - Philosophy 201. Nothing really to say about this one, but I'm sure it will be decent, at least.
6:45 PM - Methods of Teaching Chemistry, a class that has recently become obsolete because I can no longer get a chemistry minor. It's also my first ever night class, so we'll see how that goes.
That's all I've got for tonight, folks. Gotta rest up for Jihaads, Plato, and Erlenmeyer flasks.
Current Desktop image: The U of A Observatory (i.e. big telescope) painted up as R2D2. Teehee.
Biggest desire at this moment: a bowl of ice cream. Which will shortly be fulfilled.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Where'd all the good people go?

Haha, so, this was going to be what I was going to post about a week ago, but I accidentally hit [enter] instead of the apostrophe in composing my title, and posted simply the word "Where". I feel I must review this, although you all kind of know that part. And by you all, I mean Stephenie. Because she is apparently the only one who reads this somewhat occasionally. So, I was disappointed in the response to "Where", because if someone else had posted it, I would have considered it rather compelling. Oh well, bourgeois.
Um, work today I keep finding out that people at Target believe me to be SJ's younger sister, which is strange, and kind of cool, but mostly a little upsetting. Because I think they base their age assumptions on amounts of make-up worn to work. Poop on them.
I bought "Sabrina" (the new one) and "Waking Ned Devine" tonight for $5.50 each, along with my handy-dandy 10% discount, and I am happy. I have doubled my movie collection this summer, and I am well pleased with it. The end.
Current desktop image: some image Deborah created on Paint that is mysteriously titled: "Anna's favorite in the world"
Biggest desire at this moment: another week

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Y'all know what the Midwest is? Young and restless...

This post is brought to you by Kanye West. I'm going to Michigan, where I will play, spend, sing, chat, burn, drink, ski, laugh, wonder, walk, eat, sleep, and sweat. I'm stoked out of my mind. Oh yes, stoked.
Smile like you mean it, kids.
Current desktop image: me firing a .22. I wish it was me firing the 270 rifle, but that picture is dumber.
Biggest desire at this moment: a turkey sandwich

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Love hurts

Has anyone ever watched enough of the spanish channels to see some game show which bears an uncanny resemblance to that show on Spike featuring Japanese girls doing incredibly stupid things? K, well, that made no sense, but today at work some show was on that was enchantingly stupid, and we all sat fascinated at the dumb tasks humanity can persuade itself to perform.
Some guy at work has a crush on me, and he's shorter than me and already has a girlfriend. Maybe he just really wants to be friends, but he was following me around all afternoon, and squeezed in to stand next to me in a huddle, and it's weird. Poor Vidal, my smoking hot Mexican, just a few days ago broke up with his girlfriend, and I really wanted to give him some comfort and support (aka, a big squeeze), but how awkward with Kenny (I called him K-dawg one day, and I think he took it as flirting) right behind me.
Is it shallow of me to require that any guy I like must be AT LEAST 4 inches taller than I am? And weigh more than I do? I would like some feedback on this. Alas, no one seems to read/comment on my blog anymore, so maybe it's a false hope.
Jason says I'm a great shot. That makes me feel coooooool. I'll have to post a picture of me being this aforementioned "great shot".
Current desktop image: getting boring. I wish it was a picture of me skydiving. With Chris Carrerra.
Biggest desire at this moment: see above

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

If you wanna get down, down on the ground....

Today I went with my tasty friend Jen to the mall, a place I usually consider rather on the stupid side. It was just as stupid today as any other day, but did manage to yield a pair of decent tacos for each of us, a decent movie in Fantastic Four, and a more-than-decent pair of fuzzy purple slippers from Payless Shoe Source. I commenced with wearing them around the mall for the next hour and a half because my sandals were blistering my delicate feet, earning the envy of all who happened to glance down at my elegant footwear. And Jen bought me a bracelet set that I really like. I think I'm going to have a bracelet fetish from now on. And, possibly, be a peasant skirt junkie. I really like skirts, a lot. I think they're hotter than pants or shorts, any day. So, yeah, that's about the long and short of it. Sleep tighty tight!
Current desktop image: Harry Potter in full Gryffindor regalia, in the middle of a Quidditch match. Ah, such a splendid seeker he is. Everyone excited for Saturday like me?????
Biggest desire at this moment: to be on vacation in Michigan RIGHT NOW.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Did you find everything all right tonight?

Sigh, remember back when I used to post on this thing? Me too.....
Does anyone else have a work voice? Like, other than their normal voice? Because I sure do, and it's a little embarassing. Seriously, when I talk to people who come through my lane or who are walking the sales floor, my voice gets higher by nearly an entire octave. I think it's my subconscious trying to be more feminine in order to garner a higher number of Target Red Card applications from the men that come through. Or something. I dunno, actually.
Arizona is HOT. None of our four vehicles have A/C currently, go figure. So it's a summer of burned palms (steering wheel), branded thighs (seatbelts), and roasted butt (vinyl seats) for Bethany. And everyone else in the family. Sometimes I do actually drop it like it's hot.
Current Desktop Image: Harry Potter. Playing Quiddich. In his full Gryffindor regalia. He's getting to be quite a dish, he is.
Biggest desire at this moment: to have already been asleep for at least two hours. And a cool five grand.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Bring it on, Old Man Winter

Life changes I am starting this week:
- daily and focused devotions, in which I will not just read the Bible, then put it down and forget it, but write down what I have learned and do my best to remember and apply it for the rest of the day.
- regular muscle building and cardiovascular exercise. Even when I'm standing and walking for 6-8 hours a day at work, I haven't managed to harden my physique at all. So it looks like I'm going to have to work at it. Dang.
- discipline in what I am eating. Turns out, during the summer I eat a whole lot of crap. So that trend needs to slow way down.
- living cleaner. I want to stop living like a slob, with a consistently messy room, etc. If I was in school, this would also include keeping my school stuff neat and orderly, but that will have to wait until I get school stuff again.
- improving my image. I admit, I will start wearing makeup a bit more often. I'm sorry if this disappoints, and it's not like I will instantly become Barbie. I don't have the features to become Barbie anyways. But, yeah, I'm going to start with eyeliner and mascara. I may also be trying more stuff with my hair. Lookout, femininity, here I come!
- living genuinely. I want to be a lot more real. I usually take the easy way out with people, pretending to be seriously concerned with the ins and outs of their lives, but as soon as I walk away, it's all forgotten. I want to be genuinely interested in and concerned with people, even people who come through my lane and have had a rough day, or are having trouble finding something in the infant's department at work. This could entail a lot of hard work, but it will ultimately make me a much better ambassador for Christ.
- eating breakfast. I will! I think this will help me out in most of the above changes. In fact, I'm going to go eat some right now.
- share the news about Tri-Danielson/The Danielson Family. Steph, and anyone else, see if you can find some of their music. It affords hours of entertainment.
So, I guess, if people want, they can leave what kind of changes they would like to make. Or they could be annoyed at this seeming self-righteousness, which was not my aim at all. This is more of an attempt to garner some accountability from those who read this. I'm doing a no-no and posting this on both blogspot and xanga, which I haven't done for a while, but I figure it's a big enough deal that most of you will forgive me some day.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I can't believe the news today

For starters, Joe, I'm sorry to hear you felt abandoned at Target. I worked last night, but on sales floor. I don't always do cashier. And I was, in fact, working in the little girls and infants section, so I doubt you would have been prowling around there enough to find me. Tonight I should be doing cashier, so if you would like to buy something else, you may certainly come through my lane.
For secondsies, I was just suddenly struck by a desire to do something really and ultimately important. It's far to easy for even budding-activist me to get caught up in the hedonistic, consumer-driven society of the United States that we all love and swear by and forget about suffering that is happening not only across the world, but in our own cities by way of abuse, poverty, injustice, and any number of other factors. Yep, fire away, I'm starting to sound much less Republican than many would have me sound. Oh well.
For thirdsies, I really like the Black Eyed Peas. Like, a lot a lot. Their new CD = just as good as their last one. I very much recommend it, and it was $10 at Target last week. That has probably changed since. AND, I really kind of want to buy the new Backstreet Boys CD. Laugh if you wish, but I was impressed with "Incomplete", so I'm curious as to how the rest of it is.
There's no such thing as fourthsies.
Current desktop image: Audrey Hepburn smoking something. I don't really like her very much. *burned at stake*
Biggest desire at this moment: to avoid being burned alive while tied to a stout wooden pole for disliking Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Give me tools, give me fire. Give me that which I desire...

Hee hee, my sister and a friend and I just found a box in the back o' the 'Bishi carrying the remnants of "the goods" of the Dark Ferret Society, Arizona Chapter. Good memories. My nomme de plume (lit. "pen name", so it was actually more of a pseudonym) was Walla Walla 61, and we would steal out under the cover of darkness and festoon our friends' front yards and, once, bedrooms with random crap. Sort of like TPing, but oh so much more than TPing. In fact, I only remember using TP once out of the many times. Our arch-nemeses were the Narcoleptic Turtles, who copied our idea but had better funding and supplies, so their raids on us always trumped ours on them. I wish I was still as cool as I used to be....
Current desktop image: same, so I wish it was......chenille. Like, actual chenille, not just a picture. Then I would take a nap on it.
Biggest desire at this moment: I discovered last night that there is nothing in the world quite like cold, three-day-old pasta. I want some more.

Friday, June 03, 2005


My roommate is spending the summer on Boston. I think she'll have a party, even with three young kids to take care of. It sounds better than a lot of midwestern jobs I've heard of. Anna D. and I are sitting here and laughing about how people in the midwest work in factories. Not to be racist or elitist, but I totally thought factories were for illegals and the elderly. I guess factories in the MW are different. Hahahaha, I'm glad I don't have to work in one anyway, though. Give me the good ol' Tar-get any day. Although I do wish that more of my lovies would visit me while I'm on duty.
I really need to take a shower. I'm housesitting again this weekend and I really dislike using other people's bathrooms for anything. So I come home to shower. Except I haven't yet. Gross.
Current Desktop Image: Deborah's is now Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, and I do applaud her choice. I would marry Mr. Darcy any day. And I mean ANY.
Biggest desire at this moment: To already be done with work. But no. Not a chance.

Friday, May 27, 2005

mmmmm, hot fudge

Apparently, four days of cashier training means about 2 hours of instruction and shadowing, then three and a half days of doing it on my own, learning on the fly. It's fun, but pretty stressful. I'm trusting it will get better, but at least it's always interesting. I had a guy come through today with nothing but 15 sticks of deoderant. I wanted to ask so badly, but I didn't.
I just cleaned out an old jar of hot fudge. With a spoon, it was sort of my dinner, along with a tall glass of Gatorade. Strange things happen to you after you close at Target.....
Current Desktop Image: well, Deborah's changed hers to some sort of coffee motif. Which is a joke, because she hates coffee. As do I, for the record.
Biggest desire at this moment: wow, I could do with a solid back massage. Being on your feet for 6 straight hours with bending over and lifting and things is rough on the back

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I have a history of taking off my shirt

Running errands today! Orientation yesterday was uneventful, but I think Target will be good. I get to work sales floor and cashier, and I learned what to do if someone gets hurt or I get robbed while on the job. Exciting! Kinda.
I'm babbling, so I'ma leave. This is a boring post. I wish I was cool and had good stories to tell. I could follow up Steph's post of a few days ago and say I scored a 64 and a 74 in bowling last night, and only fell once. Woot. I'm really disappointed in this. Whoever can liven this post up with a great comment will be my friend forever. And win a Dodge Viper.
Current desktop image: Well, mine's still President Zylstra in a leisure suit, so I'll make something up: a kiwi. Those things are cute!
Biggest desire at this moment: hmmm, maybe a cell phone. Or a chalupa. I'll go for the chalupa.

Monday, May 16, 2005

other bogs, eh?

I'm back, for a while, at least. Where did I leave off? Ah yes. Jury duty was, for those of you who were interested, a very enlightening experience. I learned a TON about the legal system, human nature, bus schedules, methamphetamine, getting on and off elevators, the virtues of good walking shoes, and jalapeno cream cheese. This guy owned what was obviously a drug house, and the back bedroom had a reinforced door on it, behind which it was obvious that someone, possibly the owner, was selling meth. We pinned him on reinforcement of a building to prevent police entry and possession of drug paraphernelia, but were split on whether or not the State had shown he was the one selling the 137 grams (usable amount 5 MILLIGRAMS) out of the back bedroom. And no, I don't know what his sentence was, they excused us before that was given.
I will, Lord willing, begin working at Target within a week. I finally got in touch with someone. I also will be house/dog-sitting this weekend, and dog sitting again the week after next, so I'm looking to come into over $200 for not much effort. Would that this sort of revenue was available all summer. But I am looking forward to what I consider my first real job. I think it will be a chance for me to learn a ton.
I ate lunch at Viva today. To some of you, that means nothing, but to me, it sure meant a lot. Oh 24 hours and always so tasty. And yet so shady.
Current desktop image: Mine's still Prez Z. Deborah's is currently a nice, foresty path thing that makes me wish to go hiking
Biggest desire at this moment: a hot bod. I'm feeling kind of shallow tonight. I promise I'll get over it and love myself again in the morning. :)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Rattlesnakes and Jalapenos

I am home, for those of you who were wondering. I have been since Thursday, but the 56K is enough of a pain that I don't really feel like getting online too often. I promise not to leave entirely, though. So rest assured.
Tomorrow I find out from Target if I have a job. If I do, I hopefully start work VERY soon. If I don't............I have to find some sort of job yet. Tuesday I get to go to jury duty. I'm incredibly freaked out. I have to go downtown, alone, on a BUS, and I have no idea what to do when I find the county courthouse. Yeah, freaked out. Maybe someone will kidnap me before I get downtown and will put me out of my misery. Not that I'm reluctant to serve my citizen's duty on a jury, I'm just afraid of bus-people. And I highly doubt they're going to choose a 20 year old Christian female to serve on a jury. Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think so.
So yeah, today was Mother's Day. I hope you all did something thoughtful and heartfelt. Otherwise, we can't talk anymore.
Current Desktop Image: Prez Z, 25 years ago. He seriously looks Hispanic. Cracks me up.
Biggest Desire at this Moment: DSL, or any other sort of broadband connection.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Shoot. It's finals week, and I've forgotten how to be a good student. So instead I muddle around my room and avoid studying instead of focusing and concentrating what I've learned all semester. What an exemplary scholar of education I'm shaping up to be. Tomorrow it's political studies (no biggie, I hope) and ancient history (on Rome and Christianity, I should do pretty well). Wednesday is the killer, with Genetics (my only cumulative final, and the hardest subject anyways) followed by Human Anatomy and Physiology (on the reproductive system, urinary system, and embryonic development - what a winner!). Thursday I hope I can hang around menally long enough to get through my Educational Psychology (a solid hour of multiple choice) before heading out to Omaha and back home. "OooooOOOOOhh, freedom. Freedom's washin' over me, mah Lord..."
Since this question really essentially got ignored on the Xanga, I'll give it a try here, although the general responses on this one can be so sarcastic that I'm a bit shy. But anyways, are you fo' real? I'm working on it, but I'm far from totally fo' real. What say you?
Current desktop image: Bono's sunglasses, for sale on Ebay right now. Too bad I can't wear shades without looking rather stupid. I think the years of bad eyewear in my childhood did me in for the remainder of my life.
Biggest desire at this moment: that it would be Friday morning, and I was sleeping in, in my own bed, on my snowcone/penguin flannel sheets, with the sun filtering in through my blinds, and Foxy was sticking her wet nose in my ear to say hi

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Baal, we cry to thee!!!

Heh heh, how's THAT for a title...
I just got back from viewing/listening/loving a production of Elijah by Mendelssohn. I'm going to assume you guys know what I'm talking about. If not, poop on you. It was wonderfulamazing, and even inspired excellent note copying as I did double duty by studying for my Genetics final while I partook (past tense of partake). MMMMM, I do love high culture.
Our room is a mess, piled high with boxes to be packed and stored as we prep for leaving. As of Thursday, I will have completed my sophomore year and finished half of my college career. That's pretty cool, but also kinda freaky, seeing as it means that I need to be semi-prepped for living in the real world in two years. Eeep.
I really want to make cupcakes right now, if anyone wants to join me. And bring cupcake mixin's.
Current desktop image: the ayeaye Joseph sent me. I really like it, and I kind of want one. But Sarah says it looks like a demon. So I hope she looks down at my computer at somepoint when we're sleeping tonight and it attempts to devour her soul. Not because I want Sarah to lose her soul, but because it could be funny to see/hear her freak out. Unless she fell off the top bunk and died. That would be sad.
Biggest desire at this moment: a good full body massage. Oh wow that sounds great....

Monday, April 25, 2005

Call me Mr. Blue

current mood: saddened and frustrated
1. Steph can't make it down this weekend.
2. Dordt's going to charge me for my overload classes. Not a new concept, but one that I don't really understand. Apparently it's cool to penalize those who try to get the most out of education and reward people who don't push themselves too hard. Apparently the administration has taken a personal and vested interest in the condition of my social life, or something...
3. It's cold this week. It was beautifulwarm this past week, even with the rain. How am I supposed to lose weight when it's cold?
4. I'm missing part/all of the meeting called by students in protest to the football team, among other things, because I have work tomorrow night.
5. I'm feeling weary but not tired, phlegmy but not ill, full but not satisfied. Not sure what that really means, but I needed a #5
6. I ran out of complaints.
Now for some positives, because otherwise I sound like a total whiner and people will stop listening to me.
1. I am alive, in good health, white and middle class, and a citizen of the United States
2. Here on blogspot people don't complain about the length of my entries.
3. I get to live in an apartment next year and make my own food
4. I can actually afford to go to a private Christian school, with all my complaining, even with the changes in charge
5. I should get a solid A in genetics, when I was expecting to be fortunate to pull out a B in the class
6. God loves me and provides for me even when I am in a bad, complainy, rampagey type mood. Thank Him for that! 'Cause otherwise I'm screwed no matter what happens.
Hmmm, that's about all I've got. My roommate is making weird noises in her sleep. Creepy.
Current desktop image: Christopher Walken dancing to "Weapon of Choice"
Biggest desire at this moment: a school administration that could prove to me it was looking out for my best interests and the will of God, not their own monetary benefit and enrollment status.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The more you know, the less you feel

I'm feeling melancholy. I probably shouldn't post when I'm feeling this way, because I have no idea where I'll end up, and I'll say something to draw the sarcastic wit of Joseph and Kit and feel bad about my blog being so controversial without even trying to make it that way. Sigh. Sometimes things are just too hard.
I failed to save the worms last night because I was in Sioux Falls, watching Dordt's musicians demonstrate just how Jubilant they are about 50 years of magic. It's kind of weird, though, because just at this crucial juncture, a LOT of students, myself included, are getting really sick of President Zylstra, who's been pushing decisions that favor increasing enrollment without really considering the cost on the Dordt community. The case in point right now is the push for a Dordt football team. First off, Calvinists don't make good football players. I don't have a great explanation for that, they just don't. So the players coming in would most likely not be in keeping with the Reformed mindset that Dordt is (at least I thought) so proud of. And starting up a team would cost the school over 3 million dollars, then thousands more through the years in an effort to support a team and establish a fan base for this team, which will not be good for at least 10 years, simply because that's the way things go. Now, most of you who know me know I love football. The issue is not that I'm anti-football. I think it would be fun to go see games. BUT to bring football to Dordt would be a death knell, and I'm not even exaggerating, to Dordt's mission. So, here's President Zylstra promoting our school on this tour, and the choirs, band, and orchestra act all excited about school, when in reality a good number of us are really annoyed with the progress of things and forsee the school shooting itself in the foot and making itself shut down pretty soon if people don't make some serious changes. I'd move to impeach Zylstra, but I don't think it works that way.
Ok, since most of you don't know much about that whole previous issue, I'll see if I can come up with something friendly to the general public. Hmmmmmm................Wow, I can't really think of much. What should I do with this weekend to myself, since Sarah's finally out of my space and I can do what I want. :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by honeyhair.
Here's the picture, Joe. Eat your heart out. Maybe it's not a printer, I dunno. I've established my moronity with all things mechanical already this week.

First step.....

Hi, my name is Bethany Haak, I'm 20 1/2 years old, and I rescue worms. Yes, I do. When it rains, and there are worms on the sidewalk, I pick them up and put them out of harm's way so they don't get stepped on. I don't know if that makes me a radical animal lover or just a little eccentric, but I was realizing that is a little weird. I made friends with two of them last night as I dropped them into safer places. I didn't name them, but I did talk to them a little - they were the night crawler variety that stretch out to like a foot long. Kinda cool.
Hmmm, I just told you all my worm weakness. I feel free-er, I think. Or maybe like a total nerd. But I had to get this off my chest. Doesn't mean I'll stop, but I wanted to share the love and spread the word.
Current desktop image: a mouse with it's head caught in an inkjet printer - alive but looking somewhat distressed - courtesy of Sara Arthur. I can hear her laughing from here...
Biggest desire at this moment: To have all of my friends in a room so I could give everyone a big hug. Awwwww.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Idle fancy

I don't have too much to say, I just felt it was time to post again. So.......I'll give you a list of everything I ate at the potluck at Carmel today:
1 roll, buttered
2 chunks pork roast, slightly overcooked (and there were no knives. apparently money can't buy them...)
1 slice meatloaf, surprisingly tasty
1 scoop pasta cheese hamburger pasta sauce casserole dish thing, eclectic
1 scoop cheesy sour creamy potatoes, you know what I mean
1 small bite of frozen jello/whipped cream salad, should have been dessert
1 square green jello/graham cracker thing, also dessert-like
1 slice strawberry pie, actual dessert
1 glass milk
I was satisfied, I must say. And then, since Rachel, Bethany (another Bethany, I'm not being schitzophrenic) had no way of getting home, the coolest old guy in the world, Herb Kuiper, just let us borrow his brand new Le Baron and he caught a ride with someone else. So I got to drive home, and it was fun. Drop it like it's hot.
Current desktop image: THE cutest kitty in the world. *Squeaky Sarah voice* Hi li'l cat! You're so furry!
Biggest desire at this moment: to toast someone's health. with a real champagne flute containing real champagne. you know you do too...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

quiet envy

Originally uploaded by honeyhair.
John gets to see U2 today, Rosie saw them this past weekend. I may never see U2. I hope I can eventually come to grips with this reality, but I just might not...
I found a triscuit in my bed last night. I don't eat triscuits in my bed because they're messy, and I haven't had a box to call my own for over three weeks. So I have no idea where it came from. I think it's evil, trying to suck out my soul when I'm in my deepest of sleeps. Lucky for me I don't sleep anymore. Or maybe it's a blessing from heaven, and I should cherish it as a sign from God. Or maybe I should eat it. Or throw it away. I'll take a poll, evil or holy, and eat it or toss it?
Current desktop image: seen above. I really likes it.
Biggest desire at this moment: to see and hear "Sunday Bloody Sunday" performed live and in person.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ever Verdant

I seem to have found my comfort zone, and it is with the three worst players in my Badminton HPER. I seem to have gotten worse between Friday and today. Seriously, I kept forgetting in the middle of a volley that I was playing Badminton, so my opponent would thwack the birdie at me and I'd simply watch it sail by....then come back to reality and smack myself for letting that happen. I don't know, it's kind of strange. Like Badminton transports me to some other reality in which I only have to will the birdie over the net, not needing my hands at all. But my alternate reality does not work with my actual reality, in which not only do I need to use my hands and racket, but I need to duck to avoid getting hit in the face occasionally. I think if I could overcome my tendency to become ADD, I'd seriously kick butt in that class. And also maybe if my vertical was higher than 2.5 inches. Maybe.
After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I finally managed to get registered for classes. I won't bore you with the list. I'll put that on my Xanga if you're reeeeeaaallly interested. But I won't assume you are, and bore you, and incur your wrath in comments.
Yeah, that's pretty much all I've got for now. My throat feels really weird, like thick and dry and fluffy. With blue polka dots.
Current desktop image: Some waterfall somewhere in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is another place I dream of visiting someday. And yes, John did win the million dollars from the last post. Huzzah for John.
Biggest desire at this moment: To not have a throat that felt weird. And to be pre-studied up for my Political Studies test. Not that I typically study for them anyways....

Sunday, April 10, 2005

High King of Heaven my treasure Thou art

*happy sigh* We went back to Carmel Reformed Church for the first time since Spring Break, and it was happy to be back. It was obvious that we hadn't been there for a while because people gave us a bit of an "oh, didn't think you were planning on coming back to us!" sort of look, but it was still good. And we talked to Pastor Mark about your unicycle, Steph. He's excited for you, and jealous of your progress. I still want to see pictures of you on the thing - I need something to show De Smith.
We started out the morning with a bit of a thunderstorm, nothing absolutely fantastic, but better than your average drizzle. I think I want thunder at my wedding. Is that a weird thing to say? If that means accompanying rain, then so be it, I like rain too. Superstition be hanged! I think thunder and lightning are two of the coolest things (?) - no, PHENOMENA - that God created. I'm glad I spend my summer months in Arizona, where the thunderstorm was invented. There is nothing like a good monsoon, with lightning slicing down all over the place and thunder roaring and rain pouring down in buckets and flooded streets and people getting stuck in washes - and then 10 minutes later it's sunny and the cicadas are buzzing again. I tell ya, I love my state. Only 4 more weeks, then I get to work my lovely little heinie (no idea how to spell it) off for most of 4 months. Word.
Current desktop image: Chichen Itza, where I really want to go someday. Maybe after Europe in '07, eh Stephenie? First person to tell me what and where Chichen Itza is gets a million dollars in cash.
Biggest desire at this moment: galoshes. Always wanted 'em, never needed 'em. Until now.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Enough already

Ok, I'm tired of this picking at each other in comments. So, tonight, since I'm tired, headachey, and coldish, I'm going to let Sarah write my post for me. Here's an email she sent me last night, from the library, while I was cramming for my Genetics test:

Hey Bethie,
We were supposed to eat at 8:00, right? So, I went to the thing, and there was no bethie and no food. Eeeeeeee! So now I get to write you an e-mail to while away the half hour till I can eat....Are you feeling better, lovey? I talked to Katy Dekens and she told me that she is looking forward to living with us, cause we can stay home and do CRAFTS all day! And she also told me she liked my flip-flops....Heidi is in the library and she showed me how to do msn illegally in the LRC. So I talked to Devin about my it-cats, and how much fun it would be to be a hippity-hop dancer. Only he wants to learn ballroom dancing. Plus, Heidi was cackling really loud. And your Alex was all grumbl-y cause he was trying to write some research paper. Tee hee! I felt so naughty. What other news can I invent? Oh! I just saw Hot Trevor! He's doing his Revelations homework. Which reminds me, I forgot to give him his mt. dew. And than I gave it to Lisa De Vries after choir. Well, it's only 8:17. I guess I could do some more homework. Or look at E-BAY! Yay!~Sarah Alice

I like my roommate. She's funny.
Current Desktop Image: flashing New Found Glory buddy icons, tiled over and over again. It's like epilepsy in a can, kinda. No wonder my head feels funny....
Biggest desire at this moment: clear sinuses, and a nap. Or maybe a great big peanut butter chocolate ice cream cone.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

sticking the dismount

Hey guys, I'm off my soapbox and moving on. May the John Paul II rest in peace. So, today, I did basically nothing. Well, not true, I took a big ol' anatomy test over the lymphatic, respiratory, and digestive systems. Ask me what peristalsis is some time, you'll be surprised. Then I was feeling achy and really tired, so I came back to my room, where Sarah was still sleeping, notified my Teacher? Not coach... Whatever, I told him I wouldn't be there, and went back to sleep from 9 to after 12. I missed a convocation address that I had been interested in seeing, but oh well, I guess. Got up, read a huge article for political studies on why Christians shouldn't legislate morality at all in the secular arena (good points, actually), then went to lunch. TJ Nielsen sent me a book on why contraception is immoral, so I got that in the mail today and flipped through the first couple pages. I may keep y'all posted, if you're interested. Then I came back here, read about educational psychology, did a bunch of crunches and push ups in an effort to act healthy to myself, then wrote a couple of blog entries. Yep. Good day. Sorry, yesterday, though I was much more potentially abusive, I was also more interesting.
Here's something new. Breaking news has it that John had a dream last night that I turned lesbian. No validity to that report, just so you know. But it was more interesting than my day.
Current desktop image: Homestar Runner's head. And it's starting to annoy me.
Biggest desire at this moment: hmmm, how about a head massage? That'd do me.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Holy what the crap....
Maybe I just need to move on, but I've been hearing and reading stupid comments from all sorts of people who call themselves Christian and who maintain that Pope John Paul II is now burning in Hell. FIRST, to take Hell so lightly as to simply throw anyone and everyone who doesn't conform to a person's worldview is foolish and a trite response to the wrath of God and the power of Satan. Yes, there will be many in Hell who never expected to be there because they failed to acknowledge and accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ. But how on earth does that land the Pope there?
This man was an amazing Christian leader for the last twenty years. His humanitarian stance and action was remarkable, as was his concerted effort to bring about reforms in the Catholic church to bring it more in lines with Scriptural truth. This man was instrumental in bringing Christianity back to life for millions of young people all over the world. He is a saint in the true sense of the word, and, I am all but completely certain, worshipping before the throne of the Lamb as I sit here and vent. To damn the Pope would be the equivalent, in the United States, of condemning Rev. Billy Graham. It's completely ridiculous! If anyone disagrees with me, I'd LOVE to hear a legitimate response. I do believe my anger is a righteous anger, because it is this kind of willful ignorance that divides the Church and makes it so remarkably ineffective in so many places today, like Europe and North America. If you don't care, that's your prerrogative, but I do think it's a really big deal.
Ok, I'm done venting, although I don't feel any better yet. Maybe studying the digestive system will cool me down...
Current Desktop Image: guess who! Yeah, it is him. I feel justified in celebrating his life and subsequent passing on to worship his Lord for the rest of eternity
Biggest desire at this moment: to shake someone, or throw something, really hard. No one in particular, and I promise I won't hurt Sarah...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Arroz con leche

Three newsflashes for the day:
1) The Pope did die this afternoon. I am genuinely saddened because he was a great man who did great things for the Catholic church (i.e. making it slightly more Protestant/biblically based). I'm sure he's glad to finally be home, where he's always belonged.
2) Neil Young is recovering from a brain aneurism he suffered a few days ago. Maybe he realized he couldn't sing for squat and the realization nearly did him in. And (hopefully) enough damage was done to prevent him from attempting to sing ever again.
3) Jane Fonda just realized what a complete b**** she was for going to North Vietnam during the Vietnamese War, touring a weapons factory, and betraying a bunch of American POWs to their captors. Honestly, I think they should have tried her for some sort of treason. Most people now agree that Vietnam was a bad idea, and I think that the war in Iraq, likewise, was not the greatest idea either, but if I was a celebrity would I go over there, check out a munitions bunker, chat with a few insurgents, then spit in the faces of American hostages? Good Lord no. The woman has to be some brand of evil to think that's in any way something a human being could do to another human being.
Current desktop image: Green Day. I likes them.
Biggest desire at this moment: another Saturday right after today, to give me a chance at finishing everything I need to get done.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sardonic commentary

kk, a post en rapido tonight, because I'm sleepy. And it's fun and interactive! Wheeeeeee!
Alright, I want you all to tell me your favorite part of the Greco-Persian War. Whosever response I like the best will be included in my research paper for Ancient History class. Not even joking. Those of you who don't submit can help me choose, but I'd love to get lots of fun and exciting comments to pick through. So tell me what you think of those crazy ancient Greeksters and their feud with that nutty Darius and his son Xerxes!
Current desktop image: Brand New giving me the index finger
Biggest desire at this moment: to really kick butt at video games. I feel like a sell-out, but it's true. It's a lacking part of my childhood that I've never really regretted until right now.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Oh, let's go

I flew a kite for the first time ever yesterday. I have to admit, when I've seen them flown in the past I haven't really understood the appeal, but now that I've experienced it, I likes it molto gusto. Turns out I'm pretty good at controlling the thing, too. Who'da (gouda?) guessed? I think one of my life goals now is to go on a kite date. I dunno, it sounds kind of romantic.
I have a headache and feel kind of sick to my stomach, so I think I'm about done for the night. I did learn from Stephenie, though, that there is indeed such thing as glow-in-the-dark massage oil. Talk about sexy! I kind of want some, not that I have any use for it right now. But its existence intrigues me. On that note, I'm done.
Current Desktop Image: The Darkness. A different picture than I had before.
Biggest desire at this moment: clean, cool sheets and freshly shaven legs. Those of you who have never experienced are truly missing out...

Saturday, March 26, 2005


I admit, I'm really bummed. Actually, I'm kinda angry. Because Arizona gave the game away. Just handed the ball over to Illinois and said "Come back! We want to go into overtime with the top-ranked team in the nation instead of beating you guys in regulation fairly handily." Sigh.... Sorry, it may be some time before I really get over this.
It's Easter in 15 minutes. I'm going to have to get over myself and start marveling at the miracle of Christ's resurrection. And I think I will, Easter being my favorite holiday. It would have been nice to go into it with Arizona in the Final Four, but apparently God's keeping me humble. So I will let him. Good night to all of you, and I wish you a very blessed and special Easter. Cheers.
Current Desktop Image: still Salim's shot. I really need to come up with something else. I'm living in the past.
Biggest desire at this moment: a little defense in the last 3 minutes. That was all I asked.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Part Deux

Well, I guess it is technically tomorrow, but it's a continuation of the previous blog. Um, lesseee... The Passion is an amazing movie. I wept and trembled and came away with a headache, and I'm really glad I saw it. That's about all I've got, there.
I'm really happy that Duke lost tonight. I really REALLY dislike that team, and Coach K is getting lower and lower in my esteem. My line on the AZ-IL game tomorrow: AZ wins 86-79, and Salim Stoudamire finally gets like 36 points while Channing Frye deals in another 25. Dee Brown's going to foul out and Luther Head will be hobbled by his hamstring. And I will dance with joy.
I learned not to lounge around in underwear in my room with the blinds open today. It was the middle of the day and it was lighter outside than in, so I figured it was ok. But I look over from Mystery Men and there's this guy standing right in front of our window. I don't know if he saw anything, and I think he had a decently legitimate reason for being there (grounds crew or something), but I'll tell you there was a scramble on my side of the window. AWKWARD.
I wish all of you a blessed finish to the Passion Week. I hope you can share it with people you love and who build you up.
Current Desktop Image: Salim sinking the game winning shot Thursday night
Biggest desire at this moment: to skip to next weekend and watch Arizona kick Louisville's butt in the Final Four

How hast thou offended?

Today is Good Friday. I'm guessing all of my readers know this fact. I confess, Passion Week is my favorite time of the year. Seriously. Not only is it the whole aim of the life of Christ and our Christian faith, but compared with Christmas, Easter is somewhat less secularly commercialized, and Maundy Thursday/Good Friday aren't at all. Never does Communion mean more to me than during Passion Week, and, though I realize this should be an everyday thing, I take special time to reflect on the life, work, and death of Christ, as well as the depth of my own sin.
All this being said, it's been kind of a nasty Passion Week for me. Not only has coming to realize the depth of my sin led me to some conclusions I would rather not have realized, but I've had so much to do that I've had to short my meditation time. I'm also to blame because I keep distracting myself with March Madness (Arizona's so going to beat Illinois). We had a great service for Good Friday today at school, but I had a solo in it, so instead of focusing on the meaning of what we were doing, I felt like I spent the whole time being nervous. So, I'm feeling somewhat self-thwarted in my efforts to observe the solemnity and promise of Christ's last week before death.
However, thank God the story doesn't end with me and my failings! Sunday is Easter, THE most important day of the year. I hope that you will join me in not only remembering Christ's pain and death for our neglect of God's grace, but also His glorious resurrection that promises that those who love Him will live with Him forever.
I'll finish this later, I'm going to go watch The Passion of the Christ at Ethan's. I haven't seen it yet.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

narcissism at its finest

Know what's refreshing? When you decide you actually like being at college in Corn Town, Iowa, although you could have just as easily gone to school in CRC Mecca, Michigan, or Chicago, Illinois, or even stayed at home where it never gets below 20 degrees. Ever. Yes, that's right, today was a good day. I even smiled a few times at random people to show my pleasure with life as it is. Blah, I wrote in second person the first half of this paragraph. I hate second person.
I added three (count 'em - THREE) movies to my library today: Hot Shots!, Hot Shots! Part Deux, and Mystery Men. They are all insanely stupid and ridiculously brilliant. And they were all $5.50 at Walmart. That chain seriously has to be doing illegal stuff, or at best immoral stuff, to sell things at the prices they do. But yes, I do still partake, largely because to partake anywhere else would mean driving an hour to find somewhere else that also likely sells products that exploit 3rd world sweatshop workers. So, obviously, the logical alternative is to be blind to the whole issue and consume as normal.
Sarah and I went shopping today because our foodstuffs were low (note my use of the word foodstuffs). We bought a whole bunch of stuff, and I think our refrigerator has more food in it than it ever has before. "Food", I suppose, is a relative term, because I don't consider Cherry Coke to be food, for real for real. Nor is celery nutritionally food, really, because it takes more calories to burn it than there are in the celery itself. Why I think any of you would be interested in my shopping experience is beyond me, although it did just occur to me that this is a pretty boring post.

"War. It's fantastic." - Col. Arbinger in Hot Shots! Part Deux <---- does not in the least reflect my political and moral views on the issue, I just think it's hilarious. If I have any pacifistic friends, you can all breathe easy.
Booo, I rate this post as a 2.75 on a scale of 10. Sorry if you feel slighted.
Current Desktop Image: Celery. No joke. I think I like it....
Biggest desire at this moment: to lay in one of those huge bean bag chair/beds in Robby's living room and listen to Ben Folds sing about how much life can suck, as well as how great it can get. While sipping on a java chip frappuchino.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Back to IA

Hello everyone, I'm back. I'm sure all of you missed my witticisms tremendously, so I'll try to get back on track with all that.
First things first. Happy World Water Day! All of my holidays I get from Google, in case you're wondering. So if it sounds made up, they made it up first. Ahhh, water. I do love water. I love drinking it, I like swimming in it, especially if it's heated to over 100 degrees, and it's great for washing myself as well. Plus, without water, you couldn't make tasty things like hot chocolate or ramen. So join me in celebrating World Water Day with a tall glass o' the wet stuff, and also be mindful of conserving it. You know, European showers, not leaving it running when you brush your teeth, if it's yellow - let it mellow; if it's brown - flush it down, xeriscaping your frontyard. All that good stuff. I do love being a Christian Environmentalist. ;)
AND NOW..... I don't really have much else. I've decided I'm getting annoyed with hearing everyone get all excited about the third StarWars coming out. I seriously couldn't care less. As much as I LOVED the older trilogy, I have found nothing to excite me yet about the first two, and the third looks kind of like a doober. Yes, I am going to see it, because I admit I am curious. But if it sucks, I'm going to mock cynically all of the people who dressed up for it and/or waited hours in line to get in. I mean, c'mon. When there's exciting movies like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The War of the Worlds and the 6th Harry Potter book, who needs Hayden Christiansen and his mechanical hand? Or Natalie Portman and her inability to show emotion? Or, yes, even Yoda, who looks much younger when he's 900 than he does at this point? Seriously folks, I don't get it. Give me a good reason to be excited, and maybe I'll change my mind.
I kind of miss Arizona again already, I admit. It's nice to be able to go outside in a short sleeved t-shirt and shorts and be comfortable, and to be able to count on sunshine, and to see interesting cacti and trees outside my window instead of dead grass and corn stubble. Hee hee, corn stubble is a funny combination of words.
Current desktop image: a bunch of little unicycles
Biggest desire at this moment: a cool $500. And a snow cone.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

An' when you hate then you bound to get IRATE

Sorry, I've gotten lazy with all of my free time, and now I'm simply copy/pasting all of my blog entries into both of my blogs. This will not be a permanent thing, I promise. But the combination of dial up and sleep debt prevent me from being creative or ambitious enough to do this twice.
Hey guys, I guess I can post again, although not much has happened since my last post. I did go to the memorial service for Ashley's husband, Eric, and I'm really glad I did. It was actually a celebration of his life, which I think it a much more appropriate focus for Christians to take regarding death. I've kind of decided that I don't even want a funeral or a wake or anything when I die, I would like to be cremated (or buried, if enough people really want to raise a fuss about what might happen with the resurrection of the dead on Judgement Day - really stupid argument, if you ask me...) and have a potluck where people can remember me, if they want, but the focus should be on my life as they knew it and my life as I will be experiencing it after I die. Because goodness knows I won't be mourning at that point when I finally meet my God face-to-face, and I would wish that the same might be true of those I love, that they would have joy. Now, I have experienced death of loved ones, and so I know that it is not easy to take that approach, but I'm concerned that it is difficult because Christian focus has become to centered on the present, and not enough on God's plan for the future. K, I think I'm done preaching for a while, but that's been on my heart and in my mind lately.
On an extremely different note, I love AZ. It's so warm, and beautiful, and full of Mexican food. And people who don't speak with midwestern accents. hahahaha, I love all of you who do speak with midwestern accents, too. But you make me laugh. I admit. And sometimes I shamelessly mock your kind. I hope you forgive me some day! :)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Hello, my loves, just a short one tonight. And a serious one, as well. I received a call from a dear friend that another dear friend of mine, Ashley, who got married over Christmas, just lost her husband in a motorcycle-car accident. This has really brought me up short, because people my age just aren't supposed to die like that... Or at least we don't tend to think so. So if you would remember her in your prayers, she would greatly appreciate it, I'm sure. And I pray that we would all think more seriously about death, not to be macabre, but because it is very real.
I was reading in Psalm 73 yesterday afternoon, and I came across the verse that asks, "Who have I in heaven but You?" James Schaap, who is paraphrasing Abraham Kuiper in the devotional I'm going through, calls for a deeper consideration of that verse. Here on earth there are all sorts of things for us to love, be concerned about, and care for, and this is good! This is how God created things. But when I die, it's just me and God. That's all that matters! God is EVERYTHING in heaven. This should profoundly influence how we live here in this life, as well, because He has given us everything that we have to love and care for and be concerned about. Just some thoughts from me as I prepare to go home for 10 days. My blogging may well be limited for that duration. God bless to all of you, though, and please remember Ashley.


....That's what life is. I got my wish, it's Thursday
Hello, my loves, just a short one tonight. And a serious one, as well. I received a call from a dear friend that another dear friend of mine, Ashley, who got married over Christmas, just lost her husband in a motorcycle-car accident. This has really brought me up short, because people my age just aren't supposed to die like that... Or at least we don't tend to think so. So if you would remember her in your prayers, she would greatly appreciate it, I'm sure. And I pray that we would all think more seriously about death, not to be macabre, but because it is very real.
I was reading in Psalm 73 yesterday afternoon, and I came across the verse that asks, "Who have I in heaven but You?" James Schaap, who is paraphrasing Abraham Kuiper in the devotional I'm going through, calls for a deeper consideration of that verse. Here on earth there are all sorts of things for us to love, be concerned about, and care for, and this is good! This is how God created things. But when I die, it's just me and God. That's all that matters! God is EVERYTHING in heaven. This should profoundly influence how we live here in this life, as well, because He has given us everything that we have to love and care for and be concerned about. Just some thoughts from me as I prepare to go home for 10 days. My blogging may well be limited for that duration. God bless to all of you, though, and please remember Ashley.


....That's what life is. I got my wish, it's Thursday
Hello, my loves, just a short one tonight. And a serious one, as well. I received a call from a dear friend that another dear friend of mine, Ashley, who got married over Christmas, just lost her husband in a motorcycle-car accident. This has really brought me up short, because people my age just aren't supposed to die like that... Or at least we don't tend to think so. So if you would remember her in your prayers, she would greatly appreciate it, I'm sure. And I pray that we would all think more seriously about death, not to be macabre, but because it is very real.
I was reading in Psalm 73 yesterday afternoon, and I came across the verse that asks, "Who have I in heaven but You?" James Schaap, who is paraphrasing Abraham Kuiper in the devotional I'm going through, calls for a deeper consideration of that verse. Here on earth there are all sorts of things for us to love, be concerned about, and care for, and this is good! This is how God created things. But when I die, it's just me and God. That's all that matters! God is EVERYTHING in heaven. This should profoundly influence how we live here in this life, as well, because He has given us everything that we have to love and care for and be concerned about. Just some thoughts from me as I prepare to go home for 10 days. My blogging may well be limited for that duration. God bless to all of you, though, and please remember Ashley.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ho, Ho, The Breakers Roared!

Today is International Women's Day, if that matters to anyone. I'm not sure it does to me, just because I don't know why to celebrate women, separate from men. Is there an International Men's Day? I realize some feminist cynics would reply that every other day of the year is men's day, but I'm not one of those types...
So, on Women's Day, do they pass out drinks laced with estrogen and have parades featuring big balloons of bras? And floats full of past Miss Americas, or lesbians? I dunno, I can't really figure it out. Or is it just a make-a-woman-breakfast-in-bed type of thing, sort of a Mother's Day for all women. Regardless, happy Women's Day, everyone. I like being one, and all, but I guess these sorts of holidays make me think that someone high up in the world bureaucracy has far too much time on his/her hands.
I leave for Spring Break on Thursday, I'm an excited one. Even though break is going to be mostly a lot of work. But oh well, I'm still looking forward to sunshine, cacti, and Chipotle. And a little P.F. Changs, even. And of course Eegees. Shoot, this is going to be expensive...
And John - if I disallow anonymous people to post, that cuts out about half of people who respond, including my sisters and roommate. So if people are going to be rude, of course I don't appreciate it, but I'm not going to punish everyone else for it. I appreciate your sensitivity, but this is a democracy. :)
Current Desktop Image: Usher looking pensive in a padded white room
Biggest desire at this moment: for it to be Thursday.........NOW!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

warm front?

So, in other news, it's supposed to get up to 68 today. That's Farenheit, in case anyone is confused, but I think we may all be Americans 'round these parts. Sounds like a great day to throw around a football or lay around reading outside. Anyone within 150 miles game for joining me? (secretly, I'll probably end up inside like a loser anyway, but it makes me feel better to sound like I do stuff sometimes)
Quit callin' me Papi!
Current desktop image: Black Bart the Pirate
Biggest desire at this moment: still triscuits and government cheese.....

Thursday, March 03, 2005

So tantalizing, exhilarating, & aromatic you'll pee your pants

The above is written by Stephenie as her version of those transcendental descriptions that come with tea these days. I appreciated it and thought I'd share.
Today in chapel, we were rather abruptly challenged by the campus pastor in the amount of time spent thinking about and talking about today's celebrities and heroes as opposed to the modern (and not so modern) saints in our lives and world. Like, we should spend more time encouraging our peers with something that C. S. Lewis wrote that changed us than we spend talking about the newest Usher music video or Kobe's antics in the Lakers game the night before. I can definitely see where he's coming from, because much of what is truly important to a person is shown by the proportion of time spent on given issues or subjects. The only reason, at least that I can think of right now, that I am resistant to the idea is that it was kind of presented in an aggressive manner. Unless there are other reasons to disagree. What say you all? I didn't even have to work out to be somewhat philosophical tonight.... :)
I want to go to Canada now, because apparently I have more in common with at least one Canadian than I do with pretty much all Americans. Plus, I just like seeing new places, and Canada is a new frontier, to me.
Exciting news! I have a Xanga site now too, so you can get double the Bethany, double the fun! The address is:
The only really groovy thing about Xangas is you can get yours to play music, and set up your format more cool-like, and you can personalize comments with pictures, and there's the now playing/reading/watching feature, and maybe that's it. But blogspot does let anonymous people post comments. Wahooo...
Current desktop image: Twista (let me be your manager....)
Biggest desire at this moment: triscuits with government cheese

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Quintessential Billions....

So, today. Yeah, was kind of a long one. So far. There's still plenty of today left to be today. So that could change. But thus far, it has been a long day. Most of that longness happened for the hour and 15 minutes I was sorting and tabulating fly corpses under a microscope, and some more of it came during a genetics class on DNA replication in eukaryotes. Those two combined just made me draggy for pretty much everthing else.
I say pretty much because there was a bright side to today. Today was Hawaiian Luau night at the Commons. Laugh if you must, but really, it's the only really GOOD meal they serve all year. They even have real meat and fresh fruit, imagine that! So I gorged myself on pork, pineapple, tasty rolls, and kiwi, as did a large proportion of the rest of the student body. I try not to complain too much about the food here, but for what we pay for it, since they prove that they can do some things well, why don't they make it a little more worth our while? Isn't the Reformed perspective to do ALL things to the glory of God, even meatballs or cornbread? I dunno, maybe that's just too much to ask.... Anyway, here's to Carrie Foods *glug*
So I just found out that I have family reading my blog now! Here's a shout out to my sisters, Deborah and Sara: all I have to say is "Wanna hear a funny joke? Knock knock....HEY!" I'll let you two fill in the rest of that, everyone else might deem it stupid, or inappropriate. But we know the truth... :)
I referenced this on Friday night, I believe, and I just got the link, which I STRONGLY encourage everyone to listen to, regardless of whether or not you have any affection for, or know anything about, or even care to think about, Dordt College. It was written by the choir director here and performed by all of the men of the choirs. So do yourselves a favor and listen in:
That's all I've got tonight, except for a whole lot of Human Anatomy homework. If you have any tidbits of knowledge regarding the lymphatic system, toss 'em my way, I'm always ready for learning, and a good laugh. And a mug of hot chocolate. And a pickup game of football. And a nap. Maybe even all three in close succession!
Current desktop image: a blown up picture of P. F. Chang's Great Wall of Chocolate (winks to those who know what I'm talking about!)
Biggest desire at this moment: to own The Chronicles of Life and Death by Good Charlotte. I'm feeling punkish...
To be elaborated upon at a later time, but probably not date.

Monday, February 28, 2005

See below

so, apparently I'm having blogging trouble. I've been reading up on my ancient Greek history and I stumbled across the claim by Protagoras given below. What he is referring to, of course, is that human law and morality are simply a matter of convention to be determined and mandated by the people of a democratic society, rather than having some innate and absolute value in something other than the human mind. What say you to this notion? I'm feeling philosophical at the moment, which often happens after I work out, so I hope to be both more philosophical and more toned in the future. :)
On an entirely different note, some guy just walked by my dorm door and let out a huge belch. What is it that makes people think that being that disgusting is ok? The girl with him let out this twittery little giggle and, by virtue of her stupidity, affirmed his nastiness. I, for one, don't feel like standing for this, but I also don't feel like going and finding the perpetrators, seeing as they walked by about 3 minutes ago by now and could be anywhere. There now, wasn't that inspired....
Gonna go check on my flies! I have to start killing and counting them tonight, I hope I can handle the violence... *wry face*
Current desktop image: The cover to the latest Simon and Garfunkel album covering their Old Friends tour (*cry*)
Biggest desire at this moment: to sit in a hot tub for a few hours with good friends and good conversation, and a great body to look nice in a cute bikini. Actually, I made the last part up.

Man is the measure of all things?

Friday, February 25, 2005


Sooo, I'm happy right now. First off, this week had the potential to be just about the worst ever, and it came off really well. In fact I think I really nailed my genetics test today, and it made me grin like an idiot at everyone I saw. If I'm not careful, people might get the impression I'm friendly...
Then, after that, I watched The Magnificent Seven, the finest Western of all time, while crocheting a scarf for a friend, BECAUSE I COULD!!! Wonderfuls! It makes me smile just to think of it.
Then, after that, I went to the Dordt Choral Concert, which was a bittersweet experience. Bitter because I really wished that I could have been up there (bloody Ed Psych...), but sweet because the concert was WONDERFUL, even though Kornelis got contacts and looks kind of funny. And the back of his head looks Real funny. I'm going to start with Germanic capitalization Now. But there was a men's Choral number that sang about the Old mink farm (aka Dordt), written by Kornelis, which made me laugh so Hard I cried. It made me really lonely for Chorale, and writing Poems for teacher evaluations, and giggling with Stephenie, and being really Crabby at whiny girls sitting behind Us. Sighhhhhhh........................ *melancholy setting in* Except I forgot I'm in a good Mood. So, I'm going to go eat Ice cream with Erin!
Current desktop image: a kitty telling me I have b.o., from my roommate....
Biggest desire at this moment: to have an operatic soprano vocal capacity. And celery with peanut butter.


Monday, February 21, 2005

What the heck's a follicle-stimulating hormone...?

I'm a little loopy from staying up late studying for a human anatomy test that covers the entire endocrine and circulatory systems, and there's about everything to know about both of them. So yeah, feeling weird and tired but not tired at all. What a nearly metaphysical, but actually just kind of stupid statement....
So, one Genetics lab........I had to pull heads off of fly larvae/grubs and look for salivary glands, all to no end because only one guy found what we were looking for. I think the prof liked watching me nearly break into tears from being grossed out and frustrated because their heads wouldn't come off.... I know the TA was having a good time. Yeah, then the irony was that it was pasta night in the commons. I most definitely had a pork patty, which isn't much better, but at least doesn't look like grubs, especially when served with ketchup and a dry martini.
For your listening and viewing (dis)pleasure, here's something that's going around Dordt. It's pretty awful, but at the same time, I kind of like it.
Let me know what you think.
Current desktop image: a population of Sundews, an insectivorous plant (meaning it eats bugs)
Biggest desire at this moment: to have someone with whom to throw a football around. And a nice, sunny, warm field in which to throw around. But not too warm, because then I'd get hot, and turn pink. I hate turning pink.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

San Jo?!?!?

Tonight, I'm going to let a friend do my speaking for me. So ladies and gentlemen, here's Rosie Grantham:

Hello, I am dirty
You are sometimes dirty
And have funny feet
And you’re welcome to come over and eat chicen and rike and korn medely

^ a poem she wrote at 12:30 last night in my room, I enjoyed it very much, and I hope you do too.
Current desktop image: mmmm, 98 Degrees..... (all in white sweaters, ahahahahaha!)
Biggest desire at this moment: to see In Good Company

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

mmmm, tasties

WARNING TO MY MALE READERS: This post contains information of a particularly feminine nature. Of course this will make you all the more curious to read it, but don't say I didn't warn you.
I missed three classes (one featuring a quiz and another a test), voice lessons and voice practice, and my chance to eat lunch today because during Genetics my period hit me so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. But as that would have excited too much confusion, I managed to stay upright and not shake so badly my desk squeaked until the prof released the class, then ran to the bathroom and spent an hour throwing up and all the other lovelies that come with intense cramping. For those of you who don't have this problem, you are blessed. For those of you who wish I'd never told you I had this problem......get over it. :) I realize the alternative of being unable to bear children is a very sad one, and so I don't wish the malady of menstruation away, but I do wish it was milder. Yep, that's my story. Tell me what you thought of it!
Current desktop image: The lead singer from The Streets in front of a dumpster
Biggest desire at this moment: instantaneous pain relief

Monday, February 14, 2005

St Elmo's Fire

Yeah, I'm probably breaking with the tradition of most single people of my age on this day in saying that I really do like Valentine's Day. True, it's terribly commercialized, as are any and all holidays, but I am not anti-love and affection, as are many (especially single girls I know). Now this is silly to me. Just because you don't have someone to make out with tonight is no reason to hate the holiday and everyone who is making out tonight! Last year, I did have a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day, and I enjoyed very much putting time and care into showing someone that I loved him. I don't have a boyfriend this year, but I can still appreciate those who use this opportunity to tell people they love them, and I have in fact made valentines for many of my friends, to let them know I care. So to those of you who wore all black today, or green, pretending it was St. Patrick's Day, I say get over your lonely, pathetic lives and let other people live! I had to, and it's turned out ok for me, so far. I even got a valentine from my Dad today, so it's all good! If for no other reason, enjoy the extra candy that's floating around today and the next few days as people try to get rid of it.
Hahaha, not really in keeping with my ramble above, I liked what my Educational Psychology prof said about Valentine's Day, that the flowers that are given are in fact dead when you get them, and all chocolate does is make you fat and pimply. Then, today he confided in us that he completely forgot that today was Valentine's Day until about lunchtime, and knows that he will spend the night on the couch for his negligence. Ahhh, poor Elgersma......
Time for a random aphorism:
"When one is polite in German, one lies" - Goethe
Current desktop image: the croquet set that could have been mine, except now I have a new one from Renee', so it's ok! :)
Biggest desire at this moment: a hot shower

Sunday, February 13, 2005


No, sorry Steph, I can't blame Lent for keeping me from blogging! I can, however, blame.........Nathan Pasma. Last night was Dordt's Talext EXTRAVAGANZA (a word which, in my mind, can never be written in anything but all caps and large script size), and it was the greatest. Everyone dressed up like they were hot, because it was supposed to be like the Grammys or something, so I got into my sexies and went to watch amazing performances by Rosie Grantham and two of my future roommates (the talent show dance from Donnie Darko), Ethan Koerner (some crazy cool guitar thing, and I confess I think he's sexy - yes I know he's engaged), and Mike Elders (he ate a banana to the theme song from 2001: A Space Oddyssey). There were other performers too, but they weren't worth mentioning, which means of course that the lousy judges didn't choose anything of my picks, other than Ethan's song, as worthy of winning prizes. But I still had a good time, and laughed a lot, and adjusted my slip a lot. It was a good reminder to me of why I never bother looking good for anyone. :)
I wrote a paper on my political ideologies yesterday for my political studies class, it's real confusing, but definitely not pro-Bush, when it comes down to it. In fact, it's pretty much anti-the-American-governmental-system-as-it-exists-today. Yeah, I really want to go back to 1783, when the Constitution was released. If people want to volunteer, there can even be slaves again. We got it mostly right the first time, so I dunno why people felt they had to get all Fascist/Socialist on the system. Sheesh......If I ran things, they'd be different.........
On a similar note, read some Jim Wallis sometime, it'd be good for you. If you disagree with him, at least you'll better understand that with which you disagree. Observe my extremely good grammar in that last sentence, and tremble at my magnificence.
I want pie.
Current desktop image: The Darkness (oh yeah....)
Biggest desire at this moment: well, pie, I guess. Raspberry, with LOTS of Cool Whip. Or Redi Whip, even better. mmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Good morning, Starshine!

You ever had one of those days where you wake up and the air seems to sparkle with opportunity and excitement? You know that no matter what, even if you have two tests and a huge game that day, that nothing can go wrong or dampen your mood. Even the hideous looks beautiful, in its own way, and those things that are beautiful become immaculately so. You know those days?

Me neither. But on a brighter note, I do have a human anatomy quiz on the heart today, which I just might be prepared for. At times such as this, I usually have some clever adage to pass on, but not today. Sorry for wasting your time with this post! :)

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Cristos me ama

I went to a church in town today called Amistad Cristiana, an all-Spanish speaking church, to show support for an artsy friend of mine who went to celebrate the dedication of some banners she and her painting class made for the church, and also because I need a cross-cultural experience for my multicultural issues in education class. I had a good time, especially since I elected to forgoe the translating earpiece and just try my hand at understanding Spanish spoken by a native speaker at an exceptionally rapid pace. I did ok, I think. Surprisingly, a lot of my high school Spanish came back, being prompted by this immersion. So that was fun, even though we got there a little after 3 and the service wasn't over until going on 5:30. But I wasn't too wiggly, I don't think, and no one had to pinch me and tell me to be quiet, or anything.
I suppose I should remark on the Super Bowl. Not much to say, except that I did actually see a good part of it, which was new for me. Usually I'm at church, smugly thinking nasty thoughts about those who skipped to watch a silly football game. And thinking even nastier thoughts about the posers who watch the game just for the commercials. *GRRRRRR* You people are a disgrace to the name of sports. I was sorta rooting for the Eagles, but as the game came to an end, decided that I really didn't care because the NFL, while not quite as bad as the NBA, is still an overblown and commercialized ego festival, and so many people can cheer for teams without knowing a single thing about the wonderful game of football. Why pretend to like it if you don't? Makes no sense to me. At least you're honest.... That wasn't a terribly heartfelt rant, but it sort of got my feelings across.
Current desktop image: U2 on the tarmac at Heathrow (maybe?) Airport
Biggest desire at this moment: to someday have children as precious at Teddy Bruschi's

Friday, February 04, 2005

Corndog melodies....

I made a friend with a fu manchu today.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

chocolatey goodness, sorta

Today is my lovely roommates's 19 1/2th birthday, so to celebrate I decorated the room by taping balloons filled with chocolate to the ceiling (mostly so I could amuse myself by watching her try to get them down.....) and other such nonsense, mostly making a big mess, but I think she enjoys it.
Anyways, I went to the apartment of my friends Rosie and Karissa to borrow their oven, eggs, and a little applesauce so I could make Sarah some cupcakes. They turned out fabulously, naturally, but Rosie made me watch something that will disturb me until the day I die. I don't know if any of you have seen The Fly, a movie about this guy who accidentally turns himself into a fly and his girlfriend ends up blowing him away with a shotgun - rather Kafka-esque, in a manner of speaking. Very much like Metamorphosis. But anyway, the plot is rather idiotic and the process of turning into a fly is absolutely disgusting, watching this guy's flesh fall off him while these insectoid legs come popping out of his abdomen. We kept watching in horrified fascination, and it's kind of funny because the movie ends by the woman firing the shotgun, sobbing broken-heartedly, then looking at this guy whose leg is melted off because the fly-man threw up on it. Then the credits role. I can't believe that anyone actually thought that this story was worth telling, and then made money off it. But the images were so awful..... Not even cupcakes could reconcile that.
I'm sure I just made everyone's day with that. I hope that I haven't made you all hate me for life!
Current desktop image: the Phoenician letter A
Biggest desire at the moment: never to have seen The Fly

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Engaging culture

I had that retreat last night and this morning, as those of you who read faithfully (I'm sorry) might remember. It was a lot of fun. I had a chance to spend time with a lot of girls that otherwise I likely would not have spent time with, as well as time with girls I spend far too much time with (love you, Sarah...). But it brought up some interesting points about being a woman as God has created me to be, and I was encouraged because it wasn't one of those typical female-empowerment, make-the-men-pay sorts of things, which I was afraid it might be. In fact, we were encouraged to be more feminine, not in order to string the boys along, but because we were created differently, and the world sorely needs women who aren't trying to be men because that's what they think they need to get ahead. So I had a good time, and a good breakfast. MMmmmm, sometimes French toast is the yummies...... I also slept on a church pew at the church I attend on Sundays last night, which made me feel like a pencil, or Slim Jim, or something else long and thin that isn't very flexible. Feel free to shout out other suggestions.
In sadder news, the University of Arizona mens' basketball team lost today. To Washington State. WSU snapped a 38 game winning streak, which essentially means that they beat us for the first time in 18 YEARS. The longest losing streak between two teams in the Pac 10, I think my friend said. So yeah, we lost it. Bad bad bad news, boys. AND it was a home game, adding insult to injury. But, as another friend pointed out, sometimes teams can peak too quickly, so by the time it gets to March they've used up all their best stuff and they're out quickly. So maybe this is a good thing! Maybe..... I just keep reminding myself that last time we won the National Championship, we were 4th in the Pac 10 overall and a five seed. So maybe we should lose a few more for good luck :) For those of you who could care less about basketball, sports, and anything involving large groups of people painting their faces and yelling, I apologize sort of, but not really, because this is important!
I went to a concert tonight, and the last song the group sang was "Shut De Do', Keep Out de Devil". If anyone out there knows that song, you make it into the cool group with me and a select few others. Otherwise, you're out of luck, sorry, but not really. Losers
Current desktop picture: Eric Bana on the beach (BICEPS!!!!)
Biggest desire in the world at this moment: to hug a cactus - sahuaro preferably, but any would do

Friday, January 28, 2005

To love another person is to see the face of God

I'm here, sitting in my roomizzle, eating a pb&j, and it turns out I don't need a nap. So here's the past few days.
First, Monday our genetics lab started working with fruit flies so that we could do crosses and such. It's almost as much fun as it sounds, believe me! So for the past 5 days all of us have been required to go down to the lab, which is across campus for me, every 8-9 hours and check on the babies. My favorite has been "harvesting virgins", where we have to knock all of the flies out with this stuff that smells sort of like MD 20/20 mixed with grape juice, poke through all of the sleeping flies, and find ones that are females. The rest are dumped so that the new ones who come out of pupating stay virgin. Pedophilia doesn't work in fruitflies, either. So that's been fun, but this afternoon was real exciting because I finally got to put in some males and cross my sepia eyes with wild type!!! .........yep, so, flies are dumb.
Second, Wednesday evening I went with a bunch of people to go see Les Miserables at the Orpheum in Sioux City. I was impressed enough with the theater - it's got to be the nicest place in Sioux City, and probably western Iowa. But the show....*CRY*...... It was incredible. It was the actual Broadway cast and set and all, so you would expect excellence. But this was excellence voux tre pliance, or some other meaningless French sounding phrase that means it was like nothing I'd ever seen. I smiled the whole time, just because the voices were so good, and the set was so cool, and the music was fabulous. We all LOVED it, but there weren't any really good stories about how we messed up the fancy atmosphere or anything, I don't think. And I managed to keep from kicking the chair in front of me, Steph, so I passed that test. But yes, it was incredible, an experience I will never forget, even though the only pants I had to wear to the show were dirty jeans. But Justin wore jeans too.....
Third, tonight I'm going with my roommate and several other friends on a womens' retreat, retreating all the way to Carmel, about 3 miles north of here, as I understand it. It should be neat, a chance to reflect and focus on my relationship with God, guys, and all of my girl friends too. There's not too much more to be said about that because I don't know anything more, so I'll talk about that later, I s'pose.
Oh, and since a lot of people do those daily moods, or what they're eating, or what's in the cd player, or whatever, I'm going to start that too.
Current desktop image: Jurassic 5
Biggest desire at moment: a warm, bubbly bath

Thursday, January 27, 2005

stay awake

It's far to late for me to write anything clever, humorous, or pertinent, but I felt I should post because I was wasting a few minutes online. I'm tired of flies, I love Jean Valjean, and I get an estrogen overload tomorrow. I might explain those three tomorrow, but it also might have to wait until Saturday. I'm sure all of the three people who read this await with bated breath.....

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Just hold me close to you

mmmm, sitting here waiting to go to work, and listening to Dashboard Confessionals. They can't quite reach U2 or S&G status, but the lead singer is rather amazing (and rather attractive, if I might say so), and they fit my punk/emo/rock mood right now, so I approve. "Take notice, take interest, take me with you...."
I got a package from one of my favorite people yesterday, and she made me happy, oh so happy. She's sending me letters since her return to Michigan, and when I say letters, I mean literally. Yesterday, she sent me "B" and "E", along with a cd she made me. The cd included a couple Rockapella songs, a group that NEVER should have gone out of style, and if you ask me, will always be in MY style. The fine art of singing a capella has been all but lost after booming in the 16th century and dwindling in popularity ever since. Such a shame. Now, if Rockapella sang songs in Latin, or Mongolian, they would definitely be in my top three with U2 and Simon and Garfunkel.
I can't wrap this up without mentioning food, because I seem to have included that subject in pretty much all of my posts so far. So, today was hot dog day in the commons, and I had one in honor of myself and hotdogs. And everyone else who likes a good hotdog, slightly burned on the outside. And tonight they had meatloaf, which I had always been too fearful to try in the past year and a half, but since there was nothing else, I had some. I have to admit, it wasn't that bad, albeit a little dry and tasteless. But it had more meat-ish things in it than most meats they serve for meals, so I feel like I got a little protein and, so far, haven't had any adverse effects from it.
Twista out..............

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Today was a good day. I got pretty much all of my homework done yesterday, so I could mostly relax and do what I wanted. That included church twice, with an invite to the home of these people I love for Sunday dinner, doing a little bit of genetics and anatomy homework, then lazing around the room and talking to my family for the remainder of my time. Good times, and good preparation for the start of another crazy week.
I had the tastiest vegetable beef stew today at the Kaemingks (the family I love). It was so tasty I even ate the peas out of goodwill toward all men. It could have been the company, too. They have the greatest, funniest kids ever, who are always ready to play games or watch a movie with us when we come over, and there are always treats to bring back to the dorm at the end of it all. It's sort of like going to your grandparents' house, but less old people smell and more screaming.
I was reminded yesterday of the exciting fact that I'm going to see an off-Broadway production of Les Miserables on Wednesday. I knew I'd paid for the tickets ($50, all told), I just hadn't the slightest idea when it would be. So I'm going down to Sioux City to see a Broadway production, one of the most famous ever! Steph, I'll let you know if I tingle the whole time like you did with Wicked. But I seriously am cooled out about it. I'll probably start playing the soundtrack through over and over to get the musical down, so I can sing along and annoy my fellow theater afficionados (spelling? I don't really care). Yay! I'm getting myself more excited than I actually was just thinking about it! My only worry is that I really don't know theater etiquette, especially for Broadway-quality productions. Am I allowed to wear jeans? Is picking my nose frowned upon? What if I have to sneeze really loud during a soliloquy? Do they even have soliloquies? How do you spell soliloquy? K, I think I killed that...........
I just got too lazy to try to finish out any more thoughts I might have for tonight. If you're lucky, maybe I'll remember them and include them for tomorrow, or whenever I post again. But probably that won't happen. Sucks for you!